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Had enough of my lazy husband


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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He never lifts a finger in the house - ever. I do everything apart from a few jobs my 13 year old daughter does. He recently changed jobs and is now working 5.30-2.00 instead of 8.30-6.00. He told me before he started that this means he will be able to do more around the house because he will be home earlier in the day. Well it doesn't. Twice a week he goes to the pub with the lads after work, and the other 3 days he comes home and falls sleep on the sofa.

He's a greenkeeper and for the last 2 months he has told me he will bring a petrol strimmer home from work and strim the garden. It's a 3 foot jungle. It never happens no matter how many times I ask him. In this weather all I want to do is go outside and I can't. I keep saying I want to buy a paddling pool and sit in it as we haven't got a bath, but there is nowhere to put it. I have sent him a text message earlier, and it says 'Can u pls bring the strimmer home soon. I've just struggled to hoover and Carling has come in covered in grass seeds'. (Carling is his dog). His reply was 'Y have you hoovered when Kayleigh will do it when she gets home and Carling will still bring grass seeds in with him even if I cut it'.

I've read that and flipped. Kayleigh is 13 years old. She should be enjoying her childhood and not having to worry about the housework. And she has gone to Drayton Manor today with the school and won't be home until 7pm. I can't wait until then, there is dog hair everywhere. And the grass seeds aren't the point. I want the bloody garden strimmed!

So I've just burst into tears, and send him back 'Because the bloody house is disgusting and I can't stand it anymore. And the grass won't be head height if you cut it, and I might be able to get outside in this heat.I'm going bloody stir crazy here. I'm sitting crying because I'm sick of everything. I can't do anything and I've had enough nagging you and Kayleigh when you should just do it withoutme having to ask. I can't do this for another 8 weeks'. It went over 4 texts!!!

Needless to say he hasn't replied. I've got SPD, and horrific backache caused by rib flair. I'm signed off sick until my maternity leave kicks in, and I still do everything around the house. He walks round with blinkers on. And I bet he'll go to the pub tonight with his mates and leave me alone until Kayleigh gets home from Drayton Manor.

Sometimes..... :twisted:
Oh Tankettt

No wonder you are upset, I know I would be. What seems to work with my husband is I say 'I will pay someone to do it if you cant or wont bother'. That usually gives him a kick up the arse immediately!! Does your husband realise he will also need to help out when your LO comes?

Let us know what he replies in the text if he does

oh tanket shave the lazy barstewards eye brows off when hes asleep - you'll feel loads better and he'll look so funny you'll smile each time you look at him.
My mum did the same thing as Eveadel suggested when she was trying to get a knew kitchen fitted. It was literally years trying to get him to do it but he kept putting other peoples ahead of ours. In the end she threatened to get somebody else in to do it (and would have done) if he didn't do it. Worked a treat. Get some quotes for getting somebody in and if he still won't do it, just get them in!

I am really grateful at how much my husband does do - though I do find it a little annoying how much I have to thank him afterwards otherwise he sulks!
oh tankett, i feel so sorry for you, some men can be toss*rs sometimes... trust me i know how you feel!! mine can be the same!

hope that message gets him to pull his finger out of this ar*e xxxx
Well I got a reply.

'The house is fine it's just you're getting worked up about it because you can't do any of it'.

So I sent back 'The house is not fine. It's dusty and needs hoovering. Windows and bathroom need cleaning as well. It's not hygienic for a baby'. I thought maybe the last bit might get him thinking. Silly me! He sent back 'Whatever' :shock:

I love all your ideas girls (especially yours Budge!! :lol: ), about getting someone else in. There's a guy who lives round the corner and he has his own gardening business. Thing is, we had a bit of a fling (okay, a one night stand! :shock: ) about 6 months before I got together with DH. And Pete is one of these guys who adores pregnant women. Everytime I see him, he asks if he can touch my belly, and he holds it with both hands and loves it! He says he loves the look and feel of a pregnant lady, and there is nothing more sexy than a woman carrying a baby. He is really broody and can't wait to start a family of his own. Oh, and he is georgeous! DH knows all this and the green-eyed monster comes out whenever I talk to Pete! Seems the ideal candidate to ask to do some work for me?!!! :lol: :lol:

So, what needs trimming? Hmmm, back garden, or lady garden???! :oops: :shock: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thanks for listening and cheering me up. Normally things like this wouldn't get to me. Bloody hormones! I'm sitting here laughing now! :lol:
haha pmsl .... get him to do the garden!!!! yer!!! xxx
Well, something sunk in even though he probably wouldn't admit it. He came home and spent 20 minutes in the garden brushing the dog!! It's the first time he's brushed him in over a year. He was shocked at the amount of hair that came off (a carrier bag full!), and I said that I get that everytime I do it (about twice a week), so he has promised to brush him everyday to help with the hair situation in the house.

I hadn't sorted anything out for dinner so I told him it was a freezer night and asked him what he fancied. He said he would treat me to a takeaway as I was so down, and I said that that wasn't the point. I told him that we had to stop the takeaways as I am going onto maternity leave soon, and we couldn't warrant spending £15 on food when the freezer is full. So we compromised on Birds Eye chicken in batter and pasta in one of those cook-in-the-oven bake sauces. It took less than a minute to prepare and I left the kitchen for him to tidy up afterwards!

His cousin then rang and asked if we wanted to go for a drink for half hour with him, his wife, and their 2 adorable little girls. So we walked (well I waddled!) and spent a fab hour down there. I also managed to embarras him into saying he would do the garden! :dance: His cousins wife told me that she always found a cool bath the best when she was pg, so I said that would be great but we don't have a bath, only a shower. So she said that the new Aldi about 20 mins away have these enormous paddling pools for £20. I told her I had nowhere to put it because of the state of the garden, and they both had a real go at him!! Ha! His cousin is his boss at the golf course so has promised they will bring the strimmer home. Result!!!! :dance:
glad it all turned out right in the end... but keep that fit gardener close by... if the grass gets out of hand again warn your DH with him... i like the sound of that huge paddling pool... might have to take a look...

Hey Tankett,

sorry not been on for a couple of days.. glad DH has got the message and is helping out.. must be a nightmare for you being so unable to do stuff around the house.. you should NOT even be attempting to with your back and SPD... you MUST be taking it easy.. which doesnt help when the nesting instinct really does kick in and we want things done that we just cannot manage cos our bumps mean we are not allowed to!

My OH does do stuff for me but I hate asking but he won't notice or do it unless I ask!! Sometimes I just end up doing it myself and then get told off later for not taking it easy.. well if he had done it for me I wouldn't have had to!!!!!!! GRRRR!!! :evil:

Being at home all day now is bloody annoying cos there are so many things I have to do around the house.. we now have builders in putting in a downstairs loo and utility.. so thats a mess and a hassle.. the house needs a proper spring clean but I am just not fit and able enough to cope with doing it and OH is up to his ears in sorting out the nursery... I really do hope that Bodette is NOT early.. we need the time!!

Oh that paddling pool sounds fab.. would love one of those in the garden although wouldnt last long with my hyperactive dog in and out of it all day!!
Awwww.... tankett my husband is like that the only problem is our house is messy but the garden looks lovely - whenever I ask for help in the house he says "ok, I'll cut the grass"

It's the bl**dy ironing I was talking about!!!

His mum came over yesterday and did all my ironing - bless her while I waddled about with a mop!!

S. xx
just had a thought... leave the computer on with this topic on the screen... maybe he'll get the hint then... :rotfl:

hehe ye i can imagine his face

glad youve got it sorted now
luv b x
I know you have the issue resolved but I think Pete the gardener giving you compliments and looking sexy in the garden could be a great tonic for all your ailments :lol:
lets all hire pete the gardener.... come on tankett share!!!!!

we want pete, we want pete, we want pete!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

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