had 12w scan today


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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and been told baby doesnt have heart beat, just so upset- i still feel the same and nothing has happened, no bleeding or anything
have to go to hospital to go thru options
this was our first baby and we are due to get married in december and was excited about it sharing our special day
i worry about everything in my life and i felt so positive i was so shocked as it never occurred to me anything would be wrong
i dont know how some people cope wen they have to keep going thru this
hi, im so sorry for your loss, just be strong its happened to me twice and the recent m/c was at 12wks also. im here if you need a good cry just pm me. :hug:
Am so sorry for your loss. :hug:

I didn't get as far as my first scan but like you, felt really positive about the pg and had no reason to think anything was wrong, so can appreciate how shocked and sad you must be feeling right now.

All I can say is that it will get better with time but make you sure you get lots of hugs & support from those close to you & try not to bottle things up too much, if you ever need to chat just pm me.
I am so sorry hun. :hug: :hug: The same thing happened to me at 10 weeks. It is so hard to still feel pregnant and be told that there is no life there. My heart goes out to you. No one should have to go through the pain of a miscarriage.

This board really helped me through my loss. The ladies here were wonderful. Lean on us when you are ready. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am so so sorry to hear of your loss...i never got to a scan with mine...i lost at 8/9 weeks.
This forum has given me so much support even just by reading other posts.
Here for you if you just need to talk to let it all out.
Take care xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
So sorry sorry for your loss. It happened to me at 10 weeks although I started to bleed suddenly. Until that point everything had been fine and all my symptoms were there etc, I really had no clue. It's such a hard thing to cope with but we're all here you for and will understand. Feel free to PM me or ask any questions. You're not alone hun :hug:

I am so sorry to read this, what a terrible thing to happen :hug: :hug:

It is very difficult to get through, but we are all here to help you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanx girls for all your replies she said the baby died at 9weeks
i almost hope i satrt bleeding or something as at the moment i feel the same and if i saw some symptoms, i would feel more convinced- tho probably it wouldnt help
think i will have the op on friday as dont thing i can face seeing it-the lady said i might just see clots and posibly more so i would rather not risk it
i just feel the same so i feel like im killing it tho i know im not, i kind of wish id asked for a piccie but prob best not too
i can only just be pleased to not of had to go to go to full term and lost the baby, like some poor girlies, so there was obviously probs with the little one. least we are both fertile :(
one of mates mad a miscarriage at 10weeks so shes been helping me out
and i have the most super hubby to be so we will look after each other
thanku all again xxx
gerb said:
thanx girls for all your replies she said the baby died at 9weeks
i almost hope i satrt bleeding or something as at the moment i feel the same and if i saw some symptoms, i would feel more convinced- tho probably it wouldnt help
think i will have the op on friday as dont thing i can face seeing it-the lady said i might just see clots and posibly more so i would rather not risk it
i just feel the same so i feel like im killing it tho i know im not, i kind of wish id asked for a piccie but prob best not too
i can only just be pleased to not of had to go to go to full term and lost the baby, like some poor girlies, so there was obviously probs with the little one. least we are both fertile :(
one of mates mad a miscarriage at 10weeks so shes been helping me out
and i have the most super hubby to be so we will look after each other
thanku all again xxx

Oh sweetheart it's so tough isn't it. You sound like you're being very brave and strong about it. Did they take any stills while they scanned you? I don't know if they did with me but it might be worth asking when you go and see them in case they did. That way if you did have a photo you could keep it in case you did feel like looking at it in the future. I have kept my positive pregnancy test which seems odd but I'm not ready to let it go yet.

I had a missed m/c which means the baby died very early on but I didn't miscarry until 10 weeks but even so when I thought I'd have to have a D&C I felt the same way as you which was totally illogical as I knew there was no live baby there but the thing is that I was still chemically pregnant and felt really pregnant and I think it's natural to feel that you want to stay that way and that somehow you can think it otherwise or that they're wrong.

Stay positive if you can hun- Steelgoddess posted a brilliant list of "Things I know" on this board to give us somewhere to put positive statements and it really helps to look at them when you're down about it

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: i am so sorry for your loss, i have had 3 missed m/c which were only picked up at scans, i know how you must be feeling the only advice i can give you is that the next few days will be hard but you seem to have a good dh for support, this site is also really good for advice, support or a rant if you need it, it has really helped me through my last loss i only wish i had found it sooner.

Take care of your self and your dh :hug:
I'm so sorry for your loss, my miscarriage was picked up at the 12week scan too. I know what you feel about not wanting to undergo management as they may be wrong as you have no bleeding or anything. That is exactly how I felt..... however I started bleeding the night of the diagnosis, which eased my heart a bit.

It sounds like you have a fantastic hubby and friend, don't be afraid to lean on them, it's the only way I came out the other side... and use this forum, there's a hell of a lot of support here...

PM me if you need to chat
I have had to repost, but im so so sorry about your recent loss.

:hug: :hug:
Oh No :( Im So Sorry Hun :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:cry: Really really sorry to hear of your loss - that must have been the most terrible shock!!! It's what every woman dreads when they go into the scan room!!

Really glad you have lots of support around you - you will come through this :hug: :hug:
So sorry to hear your sad news.

The same happended to me at my 12wk scan so I understand a little about how you feel. Look after yourself and OH.

You are in my thoughts and prayers
So sorry for your loss. A similar thing happened to me at 13 weeks, after seeing a heartbeat at 7 weeks. There was no bleeding so I had a D&C the following day and it helped with closure

It will never leave you but it does get easier with time and eventually you’ll be able to look to the future. Sounds like you have lots of support and you’ll be fine

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