Guess who slept through?! :-)


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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I'm still in shock! :D

He had his last bottle at 8.30, in bed for 9. Normally then he would wake at 2am for a feed. At 2.20, I was woken by his coughing, so I got up, went to the loo and put the kettle on for his feed. When I went to get him, he was fast asleep, so I got back in bed for a bit. The next thing I knew, it was 4am! :shock: He was stirring a bit, but I knew if he got up then, his feeds would be all to pot for the rest of the day, so I gave him his dummy back and stroked his head until he went back sleep. And he managed to sleep until 5.25am, and normally he's up at 6 for a feed anyway!! :D

I think his cold may have something to do with it, but I'm hoping that he can carry it on once his cold has gone. :cheer:
Yay for Charlie
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
OMG!!! I was going to post this today, Stanley did 11pm-5.30!!!
First time ever!

Our boys are so similar! :D
Well done Stanley!!! :clap:

And what was Charlie's reward for being such a good boy you ask? :think:

A trip to the doctors to have the nasty lady make him cry by stabbing both his legs. :cry: :cry:
Did you cry? I got a bit emotional :oops: Horrible, isn't it :(
Aww poor Charlie, he'll get you back for that now by waking every hour on the hour :rotfl:
Yeh, thanks jo!! Not! :shakehead: :rotfl:

He's been a bit grizzly since, so I've just given him his first taste of Calpol. That was fun!! :roll: Why do they supply you with a stupid plastic spoon thats sharp around the edges for a baby!? If it isn't hard enough trying to pour it while keeping a grizzly baby still, you then have to get them to swallow this strange tasting stuff from a sharp spoon! I know there's some baby medicine out there that uses a syringe, but can't remember which one it is. That's much easier because you don't spill any, and just put it in the mouth and squirt!! :lol:
I think you can buy the syringes, just stick them in your steriliser :D

Stanley was ok, he's jut really clingy, can't put him down!
Yeah the syringes are about 50p from chemist

Soz hun, didn't mean it

*Charlie sleep through for mummy*
tankett said:
Yeh, thanks jo!! Not! :shakehead: :rotfl:

He's been a bit grizzly since, so I've just given him his first taste of Calpol. That was fun!! :roll: Why do they supply you with a stupid plastic spoon thats sharp around the edges for a baby!? If it isn't hard enough trying to pour it while keeping a grizzly baby still, you then have to get them to swallow this strange tasting stuff from a sharp spoon! I know there's some baby medicine out there that uses a syringe, but can't remember which one it is. That's much easier because you don't spill any, and just put it in the mouth and squirt!! :lol:

Its the nurofen that has the syringe hun, we use medised but bought the nurofen just coz it had the syringe!!

Thats great hun i hope he keeps it up for you .
Out here all baby meds come with the seringe and not spoons , but liek others say you can buy them almost anywhere
Nice one Tanket, I can't wait for Otis to start sleeping through, eventhough he is a good boy and fairly routine at the mo. Otis also has his first lot of injections next week Tuesday, I hope it doesn't affect him to badly - and I hope I don't wos out and cry when gets his injection! I such a softie!!
I'll keep my fingers crossed that Charlie keeps up his sleeping through for you! :pray:

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