guess the song game


really really not going to look it up

so familiar tho... :think:
it's not just emotional feeling, i need your body and sou - ul
Aaaarrrrgghhhhh :lol:

Whose idea was this game?!!?!
:rotfl: mine!!! evil laugh bwah ha ha!

I've just edited as I hadn't written it properly, maybe that will help!!
OH guess is Righteous Brothers "you've lost that loving feeling".

I don't think it's that, so I guess it's not cheating to ask him, is it? :lol:
Jason donovan - too many broken hearts! :oops:
My aunty was obsessed with him and sadly i was brought up with many a kylie and jason music video :shock: !

"Out on the wiley, windy moors,We'd roll and fall in green"
no thats not cheating but it isn't right either!!!!! i'll give you another line ...

you give me one good reason to leave me,
Doh! :roll:

Didn't think "I loved him and wanted to marry him" really fitted as a lyric!! :rotfl:
yea little red you put helen and her oh out of their misery!!

Kate Bush Wuthering Heights? thats MY aunty's favourite song!
Yeah you did! :dance:

Thank God! I was going bonkers and I'm very glad someone else has been drawn into this nonsense now! :roll:
yeah missac you got it, sorry about the double post my computer went a bit loopy there :?
and when you turned to me and smiled, you took my breath away ...
is it that song from top gun, the one by berlin?
edit: awww im too slow

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