Grunting and possible Temperature??


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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last night Dylan was really whingey he never properly settled. he keeps making thjese grunting noises. they're really loud shouts. i can only describe it like if a man was to grunt after lifting something really heavy. hes doing that almost constaltly, except when hes crying and hes quite clingy wanting to be held all the time.
Hes temperature is 38.6 do you think thats a bit high?
Could he be unwell? and is it worth me giving him a little calpol? hes not quite 2 months but he was weighed almost 2 weeks ago at 10lb and i can tell hes put on loads since then so he is a good weight.

Thanks x
Hiya hun,

Could he be constipated atall? Theres so much going round. Ollie isnt well either (sickness and diorreah). His temp is slightly up sp maybe give him the calpol.

Claire x
Thanks for the quick reply Claire. i have been following your posts in the hope to read that Ollie is starting to feel better bless him.
I know that Dylan is constipated at the minute due to the gaviscon (did you find that with Ollie?) but surely that wouldnt raise his temperature? i think il go ahead with the calpol.
I was thinking about giving him a nice warm bath as well to soothe his tum but would putting him in warm water defeat the objecgt of giving him calpol do you think?

Thanks xx
When my LO has a temperature she makes that kind of noise but not as loud as you described. I try to get some fluids in her and sponge her down a bit and then a bit of Calpol. She is a lot older than your baby but she had a similar reaction. Hope he gets better soon :hug:

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