im so hormonal today and i have such a frown on my face
my cat is missing since saturday he always comes back for cuddles every few hours
and ebay have just emailed me saying my doppler got returned and it wont be here until monday earliest !!! iv been sat by the window for the deleivery van all morning and couldnt sleep i was so exited about it lastnight
grrrr. my OH is being silly with money and wants to go CAMPING tonight what is wrong with him??!! our wedding is in 2 weeks my parents get here in a week and i have a million things to do i think id prefer to puke in a toilet rather than stumble out and puke in a bush
am i the only person who cant control myslef today my friend called to ask if she could bake my hubby a BOOB cake for hios birthday in 2 days i almost ate her whole THATS MY JOB P*ss offffff LOL!! (sorry about my unmotherly language
) *sits in a corner and breathes deeply*