Growth spurt.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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I have heard that during a growth spurt, a baby might want more feeds. Adam was having 4 x 8oz bottles a day and is now wanting 5. He has a cold so I am giving him what he wants but 40oz a day seems a lot.

He is 12 weeks old and weighs 14lb.

If he is having a growth spurt, will he still want 5 bottles a day or will he go back down to 4?
If he has a cold he may be more thirsty and need water aswell as his feeds. Also I know whenever I have a cold I either lose my appetite altogether or it comes on with a vengence so he may well just be feeling extra hungry to help his body fight the cold germs. When Isaac had a growth spurt I knew because he would sleep more but all babies are diferent. I can also remember when Isaac was on 9oz bottles and I asked the HV what to do next and she just said feed him the same amount but more frequently. You'll find aswell that as they get older they need a bigger gap between feeds, 5 hours rather than 4 apart but thats usually when they start weaning. I'd say just go with whatever LO seem's to want, babies bring back up excess feeds so you can't over feed them as such.

Hope he is better soon :hug:

He used to take water, but he refuses to take it now.

I get worried that I am over feeding him. It can be difficult to tell as he has reflux and is usually a little sick after each feed. He is being a bit more sick than usual because he has a cold. I'll see how we get on over the next few days but will just give him what he wants as he is getting very upset if I try to hold him off.
Sometimes, when a baby cries, it's not just for milk, if his lips are dry or his 'soft spot' is slightly indented, he could just want water. If he doesn't drink water, then he wants milk.

Joseph won't drink plain water and it was really frustrating as he would get dehydrated from the milk. So I added a little peach barley water and bob's ya uncle, he drinks it like an angel, mind you, it's only a small amount I started him on, now he'll drink it a little stronger.

Doc is happy with this, as long as he is getting his water in take.

If your bubs is rejecting water, ask the HV/doc what else you could try.

I have an appontment on Tuesday and will ask then. He only has a few weeks left before he can have a little taste of juice, so hopefully she says it will be ok to give him a little bit of very diluted juice. xxx

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