Growth rate after 18 weeks - Geezo!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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I was flat as a pancake until around 18 weeks. I cannot believe the rate of growth once I have hit 18 weeks :shock: I a week and a half. Now I have the feeling that I am going to end up Hugggeee :rotfl:

I also felt baby for first time today :dance: Bizarre wave like feelings in my tummy. So exciting :D

So ladies, If you havent hit 18 weeks out. :D

Ohh and a guy in work said to me today 'are you expecting or have you just been loving potatoes recently' :shock: Thanks god for him in pregnant :shakehead:
yay for bumpage - I cant stop rubbing it :lol:
Aww Pacha, wheres ya bump pic hun?
Isn't it great (yet weird) when you feel baby for the first time :D My one moved round (i swear shes arranging furniture in there :lol: ) last week and it felt like my belly flipped (like when ya on a rollercoaster, and go down the drop), it actually made me jump....your have that to look foward too :D
Potatoes? Potatoes? Now that's a new one! What happened to eating all the pies, or chocolate cake at least! Is it bad to eat potatoes as well now?! Gosh I think he's VERY lucky you are pregnant! :rotfl:
Yay Pacha, glad you're growing. I've been expanding quickly too, since about 17 weeks I've put on half a stone it scares me!!!

Pic, pic, pic!
Yea Splash your right - I never thought about that. Potatoes are good for you old man :twisted: :rotfl:

Ellie eveytime I weight myself on my Wii now its telling me I have put on an extra 3 lbs :lol: Last time I weighed I had put on a total of 9lb but I know I have put on heaps again this week. Will get back on it at the weekend for a laugh.

Im going to take a 20 week bump pic at the weekened. For some reason it never looks as big on camera Grrrr..Its actually quite rounded now. a proper wee pot belly :lol:

Also ladies I have found H&M superb for maternity jeans and trousers for work. They have a built in belly band and are super comfy. They also look trendy as well rather than like maternity trousers as you obviously cant seem the band when you have a tshirt on. They fit so well...I was still trying to squeeze into my normal jeans last week and just felt so uncomfy and looked really bloated and bleughh but these jeans make me look and feel nice and slim.....I dont work for H&M honestly :lol: ...just thought I would share xx

Hope to see your 20 week pic at the weekend two Miss Ellie :D
Hey Pacha

Im the same as u - have definately got a wee pot belly, but when i took the photo last nite and posted it in the tummy pics post (duno if u seen it or not) its not as big as it looks in reality..... :think:

Haven't been to H & M, must get in for a nosey, bought some stuff from new look, nice skinny jeans and other bootcut ones, dead comfie too yet still stylish ! !

It definately pays to purchase some nice maternity clothes - does wonders for the confidence :wink:

Looking forward to seeing your bump too :)
I have suddenly started growing this week, too, had no big belly til last week. Yesterday I squeezed myself into my jeans and then went out for a curry in the evening. I thought I might burst out...

Have to go to H&M to check out those maternity clothes.....
Lou - I have found that most of the maternity jeans out there seem to be bootcut. I bought a pair from Topshop but the ones I got in H&M were indigo denim and straight leg so means I can tuck them into my uggs and wear them with heels. Im usually a jean snob and buy all my jeans in Diesel but these are ace!! I didnt see anything else in there I liked in the maternity section other than the jeans and work trousers. They have loads of the work trousers reduced down to a tenner (I bought 2 pairs) - they have pockets at the front and on the bum. Are really flattering and soooo comfy :D

I agree - proper fitting maternity gear def makes me feel much better than squeezing into my own clothes or wearing a size bigger. Had those H&M jeans on at the weekend with heels and a tight vest and felt great.

ODC - Im the same when I have a good feed my belly looks huge :lol:
Lou - I just saw your bumpage. Its so cute :D you still look so slim up top (under your boobies) I seem to have bulked out abit around there methinks
pacha said:
Lou - I just saw your bumpage. Its so cute :D you still look so slim up top (under your boobies) I seem to have bulked out abit around there methinks

I seem to be filling out and up aswell, u better not forget to take the pic , dying to see now :clap:
emeraldsroses said:
You're lucky it took you so long to show. With my first pregnancy I showed at 12 weeks. This time I was showing at barely 9 weeks. This past Sunday I was at dance lessons and said I'm not even half way through the pregnancy and a woman looked at me wide eyed. She couldn't believe that I'm so big at just 16 weeks :shock:

OOh really, well to be honest, i'm quite enjoying my wee bump , quite proud of it , after all wee babs is in there, so YAYE for all the bumps :cheer:
Loulabele said:
pacha said:
Lou - I just saw your bumpage. Its so cute :D you still look so slim up top (under your boobies) I seem to have bulked out abit around there methinks

I seem to be filling out and up aswell, u better not forget to take the pic , dying to see now :clap:

I will but dont get too excited - I think it looks more to me that it will to anyone else :lol: Everyone else keeps telling me im tiny :(
I can't wait to show properly... I'm 18 weeks tomorrow so fingers crossed I'm gonna wake up looking like I'm smuggling a football under my jumper :dance:

Congrats on your little bump :hug:
Just a few weeks ago Pacha you were worrying when you were going to get a bump and now it's here! Yippee. I think it must have been at about 18 weeks that mine started to really show and you should see me now! It's enormous but i love it!
It's wierd, the 18 week mark must be the norm for bumps. I was showing slightly beforehand but you could only tell when I was naked, but yesterday I woke up and thought 'what the hells that!!' I suddenly had a bump, a proper defined bump. I took piccies on my mobile and send them to my fella whilst he was at work - he was so shocked - well we both were.

People at work are now noticing - it's so exciting. Just can't wait to feel him/her move.

As for maternity clothes, i'm still struggling to get something decent. All the shops in my city centre have removed their maternity sections and the odd ones that do have some clothes don't do petite as i'm 5ft2 so can't by normal jeans etc. It's so frustrating. I have found some on the net but it's just difficult ordering the right sizes, at least in the shops you can try stuff on.

Oh well if that's the least of my worries then I'm happy bunny..

Take care ladies,
meandthebump - I know I know - its has just sprouted in the last week and a half :shock: Now I am worring Im going to end up Maseeeeeeeve!

Two - I just felt baby for the first time yday at 19w 4d, bizarre a fish. My belly is a fish bowl.

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