Group B Strep virus - cause of miscarriage?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Just wondering, as I have never heard this before but I had my appt at the fertility clinic on Monday, and the specialist said that this is a possibility.

See I was diagnosed as a carrier of the Group B Strep virus when pregnant with my son. Apparently 25% of women and men carry this bacteria but it does not cause any probs so no one knows they even have it.
Also it lays dormant and comes and goes which is why they do not test for it.

It only causes threat to a newborn baby as it passes though the birth canal when being born, antibiotics are given through a drip during labour which is meant to stop the baby contracting it.
I had all this but unfortunately my little boy did contract the virus and was a very sick newborn baby and had to stay in SCBU, but luckily he pulled through and now a very healthy little boy.

I had no probs conceiving him and had a very good pregnancy with him, only 1 year on I have two MMC's.

Just wondering if anyone knows anything of this, or anyone who has ever been told that miscarriage was due to the mother having an infection or virus.

Thanks ladies. xx
Hi didn't want to read and run.

I don't know anything about this but Google may give you the answers, or your GP.

Sorry don't know what else to suggest.

Good luck :)
it isnt something that has come up for me personally but where ever i read up on MC it always mentions certain viruses etc that may have a link, it is all very loose evidence though as far as i know. Maybe you should ask your GP hun, dont worry too much though hunny xx
Hi Corinne,
I just reviewed the published literature (there is a database called pubmed which allows you to search most scientifically published literature) and there are a couple of studies to suggest that it is a risk factor but little evidence of a direct cause. I guess when there is a significant risk for all pregnancies, anything that increases risk might be a problem. It sounds like a possible in your case esp if specialist suggests it too. Did they offer any suggestions like aggressive treatment of the step B (is it possible?) or ways to try and get rid of this possible risk factor? xx
Hi Corinne,
I just reviewed the published literature (there is a database called pubmed which allows you to search most scientifically published literature) and there are a couple of studies to suggest that it is a risk factor but little evidence of a direct cause. I guess when there is a significant risk for all pregnancies, anything that increases risk might be a problem. It sounds like a possible in your case esp if specialist suggests it too. Did they offer any suggestions like aggressive treatment of the step B (is it possible?) or ways to try and get rid of this possible risk factor? xx

Im just going to wait and see if my recent test show that I do stiill have it and speak to the specialist about cause of t/ment.
I was just wondering if anyone else had heard of this. xxx

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