Green poo!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2012
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Hey. My lo is nearly 8 weeks and is breast fed. About once a day his poo is bright green then goes back to yellow again. He is 14lb steady so putting on weight. He is a bit gassy but never in any discomfort. He is a very chilled out baby. Any ideas what this green Poo is all about?
Could be a slight dairy intolerance? Are his poos explosive?

I remember being told that green poos in breast fed babies was to do with them getting too much of the watery milk at the start of a feed and not enough of the riCher fatty milk. No idea how true it is as I bottle fed my two.

Maybe just keep note of what you're eating for a week and see if the green poo makes an appearance after a particular food. If they don't seem bothered by it I wouldn't worry too much.
Is he breastfed? Green poo can be a sign of too much foremilk.
Yes he is breastfed. I asked hv about him getting too much fore milk but she dismissed it as he is gaining weight well? He feeds for about 15 min not sure this is long enough really? His poos can be explosive and sometimes he struggles to go.
If he's doing deep sucks then a 15 minute feed is fine according to my lactation consultant. Have a look at LCGB for your local one, mine is fab and it's a great service.

My youngest had green poos more often than yellow. From 4-16 weeks they were consistently green that I would be surprised when I saw a yellow poo. I tried to block feed, pump, nothing seemed to work. She was also quite refluxy so not sure if the acid caused the greenness. However there was nothing wrong with her and she's now 10 months and I've tried her on all sorts of food and not had any allergic reaction to anything. So I guess unless it's causing your lo any discomfort, loads of crying or a slow weight gain then I wouldn't worry too much about it. Xx
We had a similar situation to goat with our ds. I took him to the doctors countless times and they tested his poo and all was fine. He gained weight. It stopped once we stated weaning. He did have reflux so possibly caused by that.
My LO is three months and up until about 3 weeks ago did have a very green poo about once a day,i mentioned this to doctor, hv and breastfeedi support and all said its fine and normal in breastfed babies. She rarely has a green poo now xx
My lo also used to do regular green poos right up until we started weaning. He is bfed and I has an oversupply issue. The green poos were much less.frequent when I calmed my oversupply down .
Interesting about the green poos in refluxy babies. My eldest had terrible reflux and his poos were just horrific. I'm honestly convinced he had some sort of milk allergy/intolerance although he didn't have any issues after weaning so who knows?!

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