Green poo


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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I've been breastfeeding Noah for just over a week now and I thought it was going well. But for the past few days I've become exhausted because it seems like he wants feeding constantly! I'm not getting much of a rest between feeds (60-90mins). Breastfeeding support woman came the other day and when I mentioned it to her she said it was probably due to a growth spurt and to let him feed as much as he wants/needs, which I obviously do.

However, Noah's poo is always very yellow and quite runny, but yesterday and today he's had green poo with little darkish bits in it. I've googled what this could mean and its suggested that during feeds he might be getting too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk.
Apart from this, he also seems to be a lot more fussy and cries a lot more then he did this time last week. He never settles at night and is crying a lot more when we put him down. Not sure if this is related at all, but his cries are usually very distressed cries so it makes me think he's got tummy ache (and this makes me worry I'm causing it through my breastmilk somehow?).

Before I started breastfeeding a week ago, he was occasionally formula fed and I was also expressing. He seemed to settle extremely well after a formula feed, so this is making me consider moving him to formula? If it settles him and fills his tummy, then that's what's important isn't it. I will feel sad to stop breastfeeding because I enjoy that special closeness and time with him, but as long as he's happy then I don't mind.

Thoughts please? Anyone :(
I've heard formula babies seem to settle quicker because of the constant nature of formula - e.i. You don't have hind/fore differences.

But I'd find it difficult to believe that If you'd been bf well, that it would be suddenly causing him problems.

Mines not been going all that great but I'm determined to stick with it. If you're concerned speak to ur hv again.

And stay off google - its rarely helpful. Xxx
Green poo can mean that they're underfed (from what I've heard) but I'm not 100%. xx
You're right green poo can mean they're taking a lot of fore milk and not as much hind milk. It happens with Colby too.

Are you feeding on one side til he finished? When he finishes one side though you could wind him and then offer other side especially as he's not even a month old as this will help stimulate your supply. I think it takes them about 10 mins before hind milk kicks in. Also offer lots of skin to skin, they do feed a lot at this age and it's very tiring but it does get easier, I promise. He is just feeding lots to help get your supply going, it can take 6 weeks for your body to get used to demand.

I tend to alternate boobs with each feed so he's feeding on one side for about 5 - 25 mins. Then next side on next feed, but at the start I was offering both each time.

Keep an eye on his poos but you will find in the next couple of days, they are back to the yellow colour, it never lasted long with Colby.

And you're doing a great job btw :)
I've had this for a long time. The HV said it could be not enough hind milk OR too much! (helpful eh?) She wasn't that bothered tbh. I also asked the doctor who said (as did my mum) it was wind and again didn't seem too worried about it at all so I'm not. I get green poos everyday more later in they day, they get greener as the day goes on but as I said no one seemed that worried and my boy Is putting weight on.

Thanks for the replies. Breastfeeding support woman came and visited me this afternoon because I wanted to make sure I was still breastfeeding correctly. I explained the green poo to her and how he's becoming quite fussy and crying a lot more and seems to be wanting to feed every hour or so. She said it sounds like he's getting too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk. She said it just means he's getting his thirst quenched and his tummy isn't actually filling to make him feel satisfied. And also it can cause gas (bottom gas!) which he seems to be doing a lot more frequently lately (which is why he seems to be distressed sometimes).

I put him on my boob and always let him come off himself. He usually falls asleep at my boob and I'll slowly try and take my nipple out of his mouth if he doesnt let go himself. Then I'll offer him the second boob but lately he hasn't been taking it, he just settles and refuses it. But then gets fussy and hungry again.
Breastfeeding support suggested expressing for 5-6 mins before I feed him to get rid of the foremilk, then breastfeed him as normal. But said not to worry as my body is changing with the weather and will settle down and do whatever Noah needs.

So I'm no longer worried. Phew :D
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