I just believe its a Mother's right to choose where she births. Many people believe homebirth is putting the baby at unecessary risk, these people haven't done their research, and in that respect I would say that despite any results, it is still a Mother's right to birth where she chooses.
I think its a mis-conception that Mother's who choose to go against medical opinion, are choosing to potentially hurt their baby. If something were to go wrong at the birth, then that Mother is the ONLY one, who will judge herself, her choice, and no-one should be allowed to make her feel she did something wrong.
Women drink whilst pregnant, smoke, take drugs, yet I'll bet the majority of them do NOT want to harm their baby, but we all have free will and who should be able to tell us how much we care for our babies? Why judge another woman's choice, would she judge yours?
Now I'll stop wittering as I fear I may be going off topic
I believe this test SHOULD be available to ALL women, and I believe ALL women should still be able to choose where they WANT to birth the baby too
Thats poop that is... we get routinely screen here as a matter of course. My test results came back negative but having had a daughter who had meningitis, it was a real relief for me. tbh, the amount of care, attention, drugs they used to save Tia's life, I would assume its far better to screen and put up a bag of antibiotics during labour...
also the argument concerning bad reactions to penicillin... seems like an excuse, IMO... that would be a very rare reaction. 99% of all women would have received penicillin at some time in their life...and if they are allergic like me, whenever you go to hozzie etc, and they ask if you are allergic to something, we say yes, penicillin
I'm sure paradysso would have something to say about this...
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