Got my re-scan today! **Updated**


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Hi Ladies
I had a phone call about an hour ago to ask me to go in for my re-scan at 2:00pm. Hooray! :cheer: . Unfortunately Hubby cant come with me :cry: as he is in meetings all day, which has made me feel bad for saying I could go in. My Mam has insisted on coming with me cos she did'nt like the thought of me driving with the distraction of a full bladder , bless her. I also think she could'nt resist a peak at roo :lol: .
Has anyone got any ideas of how I can get Roo off its back, like any positions I can sit in etc.?
my freind reall struggled wit same prob had to keep goin bak in 4 scans, on all fours and swaying for 10 mins she did and it worked, good luck you gonna find out the sex??
We are going to wait for a surprise, eventhough it has been so tempting to find out. Will have to be even stronger because hubby's not with me.
Will definetly try the all fours and swaying. Thanks Rach. :hug:
I was adamant i wasnt finding out argued with oh right up to 20 week scan then she said i can tell what it is if u want to know and i just couldnt resist lol was soo happy though that its a boy, so be strong lol
My LO was being a sod pot during the babybond gender scan i had, the lady told me to go for a wee, then roll my hips like i was doing the hola hoop and then i laid on my side and he eventually moved!
can only suggest the same sort of thing might help, fingers crossed roo gets rid of the stage fright and you get some really good piccies :hug:
Hooray! :cheer: Just back from my scan and finally baby let us have a look at it's spine etc. LO was still in a very awkward position when I went but the sonographer was very good and patient , I went in all sorts of positions , went to empty bladder etc. LO decided after I emptied my bladder and did a hula hoop movement (THANK YOU FEE FEE :hug: ) to have a little wriggle of its bum upwards for just enough time for the sonographer to get the measurements etc.
Baby is perfectly normal and healthy and it is such a relief.Just cant wait to meet LO. :dance:
I managed to get a picture after I asked but it's not too good can see baby's hand and back of head.
Will post a copy as soon as a get near a scanner.

I'm soooo glad it worked for you babe and how great a bit of news is it that babyroo is all healthy and correct too :D
glad all is well with bubba and well done for not findin out the sex, i dont know how u did it lol! :lol:
Yay! :cheer:

So happy for you! Good trick the one with the hula hoop movement! :dance:
so glad all went well for you and your scan :D

i can see he/she is going to keep you on your toes :)

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