Got confimation


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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I got a letter and all the relevant paperwork for when cameron starts school 4th september 2007

i cant quite belive hes ready to start he is really looking forward to it and telling everyone hes going to big boy school..

aww im gonna be so proud when i take him to look round on the 13th June and i wont forget to take a pic on his first day either.. :cry:

even got a letter saying when bradley will start in 2009 lol.. a long way off i know but still seeing it in black and white just makes me cry that my boys are growing up soo quick! :hug:
Josh will be starting in September too, I havent had any letters yet other than one to say he's been accepted at our chosen school. I dunno when he starts or when he gets to visit or anything :?

I cant believe he's 4 already! They grow up way too quickly :(
They do grow and change fast huh!
Did you get them into your chosen school?
i did get him into my chosen school, its 3 miles away from us but one of the best in the area... :cheer:

in this letter we got .. a form to say weather he was having scholl dinners or pack up..

authorisation form to say weather he could have pictures and be placed on there wbsite..

authorisation form to say weather he could go on walks /day trips etc..

order form for his uniform, although we have found somewhere cheaper to buy it from..

and cameron got his own letter saying we are really looking forward to seeing you at our school..

just made it all so real...
aww he will love it, can look forward to all the paintings he brings home :)

my lil one starts nursery next year cant believe how fast time goes by when u got lil ones
sunshinestars said:
and cameron got his own letter saying we are really looking forward to seeing you at our school..

Awwww thats so cute lol!

Im going to totally embarass myself and cry when I drop Josh off on his first day :oops:
x-kirsty-x said:
sunshinestars said:
and cameron got his own letter saying we are really looking forward to seeing you at our school..

Awwww thats so cute lol!

Im going to totally embarass myself and cry when I drop Josh off on his first day :oops:

dont worry i dont think you will be on your own, i'll be the same..

also i love him bringing paintings home, he does already and has 3 drawers full... but i cant wait for the big boy homework etc.. will make me so proud..
I always keep every single one of Josh's drawings too, I feel bad throwing them away :oops:

Can 4 year olds usually write their name though? :think: Josh can only do the first few letters if he copies it but even then he'll only do it at nursery.

And his pictures are just scribble, they dont resemble anything at all :lol:

I used to work with reception class in a school and they could draw proper people and stuff, I keep worrying that Josh will be behind everyone else in school :?
I cried on Mason's frst day... he was one of the youngest in the class and it really bothered me. :cry:
aww cameron will be one of the youngest as well bless him..

as for writing cameron cant do that yet, so again your not on your own, his drawings are getting better he can do circles etc now, but nothing what he should do i dont think.. he can write round his name if i do it first..

thats why they go to school to learn, dont worry about it, he will only just be 4 so they cant expect miricles...
aww sarah :hug:

cameon is actually talking about it now, hes so excited bles him
My youngests first day at school was on her 5th birthday so she went in with a big "5 today!" badge on and got loads of fuss and attention :lol:

Ive got a pic at home I'll have to scan it in :)

But yeah I cried, more so when my eldest started as it feels like they have reached a massive milestone in thier lives and arnt 100% under your guidance anymore, your letting other people take some of the responsibility for what kind of people they will turn out to be - and thats damn scary! :(

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