Good luck mmonroemaniac!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Just wanted to say good luck for your scan tomorrow :D

Hope you sleep well tonight hun.. Post a pic of your LO!

thank you so much! you little sweetie! ive just written todays blog entry titled Ninja turtles and debt resolution! haha

it doesnt seem real, i swear im gona cry tomorow! :cry: xxxxx
Ah babe!

It will be real tomorrow! I'm so excited for you - you're going to love it! Don't get freaked out though, at my scan, when she showed me the screen all I saw was a black circle, then she moved her hand about a bit and TADAAA! There was Beanie :D

They kick and jump around so much at 12 weeks! It's unbelievable that all of that can be going on. They let me watch my baby for a little while and then I had to say goodbye until my 22 weeks scan :cry:

Oh and if you drink a lot, the scan pic is better apparently, I nearly wet myself on the bed lol

Good luck though hun, def post a pic tomorrow! What time is your scan?

my scans at 11.20am :) :dance:

im going to hate saying goodbye tomorow untill the next scan. i feel like im constantly going to wee as it is haha but im sure i can suffer just to get a good photo of the buba! :pray:

All i have at the moment as proof im pregnant is no period, a stick i weed on and feeling a bit queezy! but tomorow ill see a baby on the screen. how amazing!

and ill know for sure how far along i am, then i can make a more precise ticker! xxxx
i was wondering why it didnt say how far you are :D i cant wait to see your little one, best of luck for tomorrow :D :hug:
best of luck!!! but remember, dont laugh, sneeze or cough lol.

take care hun x

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