Going to the doctors


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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I have booked a doctors appointment for next Monday.

I'm basically just going to tell them I am ttc and to see what advice they give me and tp see what they say about conieving after being on Dianette for about two years.
I'm also going to ask about my medication (Cipralex) and how it will affect me in pregnancy and whether I will be able to keep takking them or not.

I've booked my favourite female doctor as she is really friendly and understanding, but unfortunately I still have a irrational fear of speaking to doctors.

Does anyone know what I should expect?

xxx :hug:
although i've spoken to my doc and mentioned that we are ttc she's just really said to take folic acid... not been to ask for anything to do with ttc though (except last appointment when i thought i was preggers and got af that morning! :roll: )
when I saw the word 'cipralex', I just had to reply - this is the meds I have just come off (well, been clear of it for four weeks now). The Doc will advise that you come off it if you can but, if the risk to the mum is greater than the risk to the baby you can continue taking it. I don't think they have enough evidence to prove that it is harmful. Many women take it through pregancy and everything is fine. One thing is though you definately won't be able to breastfeed if you are still taking it.

If you need any more stuff on this meds, I have loads of it! If you want to PM me that's fine too :hug:


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