Going so slooooooowwwww


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Im 6 weeks now.....and its dragging!!!!!!!!!!! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I soooooo want to get to 12 weeks and there is still another 6 to go. The weeks normally go so fast but now they are crawling by. Im trying not to be anxious, I was never this anxious last time but I cant help worrying.

Also im starting to get nauseous now, and tired and today ive been dizzy on and off!

Anyone else been having dizzy spells?

The joys of pregnancy, dont we all love it :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I get a bit dizzy and when the MW took my BP on tues she said it was low-so this is probably your problem too.She said to eat apricots and have a glass of orange juice at the same time, apricots are high in iron and the vit c in OJ helps iron absorption. Ive tried it and its worked and helped with the sicky feelings
I know how you feel Jaidy. I'm 6+4 weeks and it is really dragging. Lucky I start back at work next week (have just had 3 months off) so that should help. You'll get there :hug:
I feel the same, Jaidy.

I just want to hurry up an get to 12 weeks so i can have my date confirmed and stop worrying a little.

Feeling constantly sick and run down doesn't help either, just makes it drag even more :wall:
Yeah I agree Kelly, just makes you feel so fed up doesnt it! Although I try and remind myself there are loads of ladies dying to be in my position so I must be grateful and I am really!!!!

Scones thanks for the advice re the dizzy spells, il be getting some apricots and OJ in! :hug:
Jaidy said:
Yeah I agree Kelly, just makes you feel so fed up doesnt it! Although I try and remind myself there are loads of ladies dying to be in my position so I must be grateful and I am really!!!!

yea thats exactly how i feel, i also feel bad for moaning.
I know! Life goes so fast, EXCEPT when you are in tri 1! :wall:
I know i'm nearly 12weeks but it feels like i've been on this forum board FOREVER! It really doesn't get any faster when you want it to speed up, every day that goes by on your ticker feels like 3!!

I hope my dates don't get put back on tuesday :wall:
Sometimes I feel its going slowly and then others it seems quick, when I think back to when i got my BFP and now im nearly 9 weeks..... come on girls, remember your bubba is fully formed in 12 weeks-think every day another part of the body is growing :hug:

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