Going back to Doctors


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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Hi girls,

Been ill all weekend so I’ll update the lists at lunchtime when I have a minute. Well AF came on Sunday. :cry: Another AF to add to my long list. :cry: I phoned the doctors and made an appointment for tonight. It has been about a year since I last seen my doctor about this, not sure what to say. I have had enough now of the waiting I wanna get things moving and find out if there is anything wrong. :(

Keep your fingers crossed for me girls.
Keeping everything crossed for you... we are all thinking about you!!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
keeping all thats possible to cross crossed for you , you will be fine :) xx
keeping all thats possible to cross crossed for you , you will be fine :) xx
Good luck Kelly, I cant wait to see your BFP, I hope you get some answers soon. :hug:
Oh Kelly! I am praying for you hon and have fingers and toes crossed for you!!!! :hug: :hug:
Got my fingers and toes crossed for you! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well girls, I went to docs last night and I have got the ball rolling again. :cheer: I am having a blood test on day 21 (14th July) then on day 2 of my next period. I have to wait a week until both results are in and then go back and see the doctor.

If mine are ok then my partner is going for his tests and they will take it from there. I am going to keep on at them this time.

Thanks for your well wishes girls
Good news. I can't wait to hear the results. Will continue to pray for you :pray: :hug:
Good luck Kelly, will be thinking of you

lucky dance! :dance:

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