Going back to breast feeding after syringe feeding - help!


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
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Jack's been really ill all weekend. He's been running a high temp, got a rash, and apparently has a throat infection. Which means he's not been eating. At all!

Out of desperation we started to syringe and spoon feed him his breast milk just to make sure he didn't dehydrate.

Now he's starting to feel better and is going back to having some baby rice as well as milk like before, but he wont latch on for a feed. He wont take a bottle or his dummy either at the mo, but when I asked our HV today if getting back on the boob might be a problem she said it could be. His mouth is a bit too sore to suck now, but he has just started to chew things again, but still wont latch on.

Has anyone else tried to go back to the boob? I have been expressing so my flow's as good as ever.
oh poor Jack, glad he is feeling better. if his mouth is still sore then it may be hurting him to latch on. just have plenty of snuggles and encourage him to latch on. perhaps express before till letdown so he doesn't have to suck too hard to get fast milk flow. As his mouth heals he should stay on for longer.
Still no luck with the BF :( I thought he was rooting earlier but when I offered him a feed he screamed and wriggled and tried to twist out of my arms. Any one would have thought I was trying to poison him with it!

It's really starting to bring me down again, just when the ADs where really starting to help.
I do normally go to a Breast Feeding Support Session on a Tuesday, but with Jack still not being very well I've decided not go this morning. It's only on once a week and we're not here next week... I hope I've not missed my best chance of getting him back on :cry:
can you go back to basics hon and bed in with him? skin to skin cuddles and the opportunity to feed if he wants to?

poor boy :( i hope you manage to get started again. is there noone you can call? our hospital has a bf advisor whp will do home visits etc...

:hug: :hug:
I'll try that, thanks. As soon as he's making any sucking motion on anything.

Our HV is great, she did say that he could well go back on when he's feeling better and to keep trying. But she did have to warn me he might not when I asked her directly.

Just put Jack to bed. And as he was starting to nod off he had a root and gave my finger tip the smallest of sucks! He's still not back to suckling, and having looked inside his mouth when he was crying I can see why he can't (plus my mouth and throat are starting to hurt now, and my appetite dip so I understand more) but I have renewed hope! :cheer:

I will get the number of the BF Support and give them a call though if there's no more improvement. Thanks SO much for your support too! :hug:
Good luck!! I hope you get some local help it sounds really stressful.
We need hungry baby dust in this joint!

Jack just had a boob feed! he brought most of it back up again but at least he had it!

:cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer:
yay - so pleased for you hon :D sorry he puked it, but v pleased he fed xx

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