Getting sent to labour ward! Help! Updated pg 1


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Hey guys, MW came round today to do a CTG before my consultant appointment on Tuesday, she had a look at my hands and feet and said "oh dear, that doeant look good" so she phoned the antenatal clinic, spoke to the registrar and they want to see me. My hands and feet have got much worse and I look like I have a horrible skin disease! And theyre driving me nuts. So yeh got to go in, and been told to take all my bags including baby bag! :shock:

Doubt they'll do anything, they talk a good talk but I'm not getting my hopes up. Did say next time I went in I would come out with a baby, maybe I should stage a sit in protest! MW is pretty positive about the induction as she was picking up regular tightenings on the CTG this morning every 8 minutes apart so she doesnt think it will take much to get me going lol. Ah well will have to see what happens, not convinced they'll do anything but here's hoping!
Wish me luck!

UPDATE: well that was a bloody waste of time lol, turns out my bloods were fine so it's not cholostasis as originally thought, they're not really sure what it is, could be something called PUPPP or something called papular dermatitis, both of which are something to do with hormones, but they don't normally come up as severe as mine apparently. They took lots of blood, prodded and poked me, did a tracing on the CTG and everything else is fine, I'm still getting tightenings every 8 minutes as well which is interesting :shock:
Anyhoo they sent me home with steroid cream and some serious moisturising cream and have to go back tomorrow to see a dermatologist. Also have to have more bloods on monday to check its not cholostasis but they seem to be still happy to induce me next week as the rash is getting worse every day and they say it's not fair to leave me too long as I'm. Not sleeping. Having tea then going for a cool bath and try this steroid cream, hoping it works! But yeh my feet and hands and bump look like I have a horrible skin disease! Maybe I should post a pic to freak you all out lol
Thanks for the nice messages, was considering my sit in protest as I really wanted to come home with a baby! but I'm just glad they gave me something for the itching, just hoping it works!
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oh good luck babe x x hope you do get to have lo soon x x x
Good luck! Keep us posted will be watching for updates x
Good luck. Keeping fingers crossed for you! :)
Good luck! Fingers crossed they don't mess you about! X x
Oh gosh Good Luck hun. I really hope you do come out with a baby this time x
Ooooh good luck :) hope you don't get messed round again x
Good luck hope your holding your LO very soon xx
Good luck

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ooohh, exciting!

Good luck hun x
Good luck hope everythings OK and you aren't stuck there for no reason xx

*attempting to tapatalk - bare with*

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