Getting myself worked up into a state!


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Well after thinking I had lost the plot because I couldn't find the post I made yesterday i'll post again.

On Wednesday I had trapped wind and a bit of indigestion but I had a pain under my right rib. It eased off and Thursday I was ok but yesterday I had an upset stomach and felt a bit sick all day like I was coming down with something then last night the pain under my rib was back.

It is not constant but hurts to touch sometimes or if I bend over a certain way i feel it is sore. I got up this morning and feel rubbish because I have had a really bad nights sleep worrying it is something serious. I read on one web page it could be pre eclampsia but surely as i am only 16 weeks it is probably to early for that as it develops in later pregnancy. And it was only one week ago I was checked at the midwife clinic and they tested a water sample and my BP was 110/70 so surely it can't be that.

This pain seems to be accompanied by wind or a 'funny' tummy' could it be related to that or could it just be the baby pressing up against something?
Sorry for the long post I have just worked myself up into a state probably over nothing but I now feel really anxious and worked up.

Sorry also to anyone who already replied yesterday to this topic.

:hug: Emma
i dont know the answer hun i just wanted to pass on lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and say hope you feel better soon
I can't imagine it would be pre=emclampsia at this stage but I would phone your midwife to be on the safe side.

My sickness came back this week along with bad cramps at the top of my stomach, and a bad headache (it's gone now thankfully!) so maybe it's just something you get around this stage.

I remember calling the midwife when pg last time with bad stomach cramps around this stage, so I wasn't too worried.

I hope you're feeling better soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It sounds like we all sufer a little at this time....I'm just coming up to 17 weeks and have had bad headaches this week, but I know mine have been connected to a kidney infection I have. I have a pain,but it's more in my hip/lower back area,so doesn't sound the same. Have you had a temperature at all?
I'm still being sick at this stage too, so I wouldn't worry. You rib cage area sounds too high to be the baby,but might be indegestion as that can be painful.
It's easy for us all to say "stop worrying", but you still will. Why don't you call NHS Direct. They could analyse it over the phone and are trained nurses. They'll put your mind at rest.They are really friendly.
Hope you feel better soon
I have just called a midwife at the Antenatal Day unit at the hospital.She said it's too high up to be baby.

She thinks it could be IBS which I used to suffer with a few years ago but I haven't had any problems with for a long time she told me to take some Gaviscon and eat bland food. If it doesn't improve then I can call them back although she wasn't sure what they could do for me there.

She also did say because I have had this since Wednesday and it was trapped wind I had it possibly was just trapped wind or IBS. I was advised to call my GP on Monday if i still needed to an see if they could prescribe me some tablets for IBS or check the possibility of Gall Bladder problem.
Glad it's nothing to do with baby. I think it's always worth speaking to the midwife if you're worried about something. It's great to have peace of mind :hug: :hug:
I had IBS when I was younger, and it was so painful I was admitted to hospital with suspected appendicitus! I hope the doctor can sort you out
Well, i have just been looking up IBS and I had forgotten what the symptoms where. I have got constant wind, I constantly feel like i need to do a number 2 :oops: my tummy is making noises and i keep feeling a bubbling sensation underneath my right rib area. Come to think of it my tummy has been iffy all week.
As well as yesterday feeling like I was getting a tummy bug and had a headache maybe this is what it is. I haven't suffered with this for years and thinking about it now after DS was born (12 years ago) I went to hosp for a scan on my gall bladder because I was getting pains then and they could find nothing wrong with it and that was around the time IBS flared up I think!

I feel a little better after talking to a midwife and reading everyone's replies.
Thankyou all for replying I really do work myself up into a panic mostly over nothing it really helps being able to get some advise on here :hug:
Glad you are feeling better and your mind has been put at ease :hug:
Thank you every one :hug:

Still feeling a bit crappy and sore around my rib area. I've been really stressed this week with one thing an another maybe being so wound up isn't helping. Hopefully i should be able to manage till Monday then I can contact my GP.

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