I was just wondering if anyone has been in a similar position to me.
I have been consultant led as I have severe anxiety around natural birth as my mother almost died giving birth to my brother as she is tiny and he got stuck, I told them in my booking in appointment at 12 weeks I wanted a c section so it is all through my pregnancy notes.
I had a meeting with the consultant a few weeks ago who went through all the risks trying to put me off and said that she was pro vaginal.
She said I need to go to counselling and if after I still want a C Section she will support my decision.
Well I still want a c section after I went to a class that didn't help me, the woman who taught the class said that she loved giving birth and was just trying to teach us breathing exercises .
Can the consultant refuse me a c section even if she has written she will support my decision for a c section?
I know the risks and I will 100% not be changing my mind. I go back and see her the end of Dec to discuss things again. Will she book me in or will she write something in my notes saying I want a c section?
I know that I need to be firm, it is just trying to get a date as I feel this has been dragged out far too long.g
I was just wondering if anyone has been in a similar position to me.
I have been consultant led as I have severe anxiety around natural birth as my mother almost died giving birth to my brother as she is tiny and he got stuck, I told them in my booking in appointment at 12 weeks I wanted a c section so it is all through my pregnancy notes.
I had a meeting with the consultant a few weeks ago who went through all the risks trying to put me off and said that she was pro vaginal.
She said I need to go to counselling and if after I still want a C Section she will support my decision.
Well I still want a c section after I went to a class that didn't help me, the woman who taught the class said that she loved giving birth and was just trying to teach us breathing exercises .
Can the consultant refuse me a c section even if she has written she will support my decision for a c section?
I know the risks and I will 100% not be changing my mind. I go back and see her the end of Dec to discuss things again. Will she book me in or will she write something in my notes saying I want a c section?
I know that I need to be firm, it is just trying to get a date as I feel this has been dragged out far too long.g