GBS test


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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At my antenatal class on Thursday the midwife said that if you go into early labour that they test you for GBS so they know whether you have to have antibiotics or not.

Can you ask for this if you go into labour normally at full term? I just think that if they can give it to you when you go into early labour then they can test at normal time too as i am sure it is just as much of a risk?

Also she said that there is not much point in testing earlier on as even if you have it and they give you antibiotics for it it could come back again by the time labour comes round. Which makes me wonder whether its worth going for the £32 test that i have seen people having?

Any thoughts?
I personally wouldn't want any tests/injections unless asolutely necessary, plus the tests aren't 100% reliable although I think the test should be available and free to anyone wishing to have it on the NHS before a situation arises where they 'can' have it.

I have recently been told that I have GBS and will need antibiotics during labour and will not be able to have the water birth that I wanted. I am not on antibiotics now as it is harmless to me therefore not really much point treating it now as it will probably come back! I had a discharge so went to the doctors and they did a swab which diagnosed it. It is very common in women and men.

Even if you do have GBS the risk of your baby catching it is something like 1 in 300, although for that 1 it can be fatal, but most of the time is successfully treated with antibiotics.

Thing is though if you do have it you need to know before labour really so that it is in your notes so that they know to give you the antibiotics as it took about 3 days for my results :shock: I guess all health authorities are different tho!

Nikki x
Ali K said:
Sorry to be ignorant but what is GBS?

Group B Strep!

A condition that some women have when they are pregnant, its not harmful to the baby whilst they are cooking, but the mother needs to be aware if she has it so it can be treated with antbiotics, it can be passed to the baby as it comes down the birth canal, and in some cases can be fatel to the baby..
9 times out of 10 though all babys born to mothers who have it are fine!

Here they test us for it, at normal routine appointments, what i dont get is how can they give it to you whilst your in labour cos some women can give birth before it actually takes effect.. my friends did, she only had a 2 hour labour from start to finish, her baby was poorly though with this condition, as there wasnt enough time for antbiotics to work
they sometimes test for GBS in preterm labour as it is more of an issue-

"Babies who fall into certain groups have a higher risk of developing the disease:

Preterm babies (especially before 35 weeks, but also before 37 weeks. One recent UK study of risk factors found that 6 babies out of more than 62,000 born in the study period died of GBS infection; of these, 5 were born before 36 weeks

Mother having a fever during labour
Prolonged rupture of membranes - over 18 hours
GBS found in the mother's urine, not just the vagina
Mother having had a previous child with GBS disease
Rupture of membranes before 37 weeks"

noodle if you still want your waterbirth ask why you arent allowed to deliver in the pool? i cant see any valid reason why not?

I wouldnt worry abotu being tested unless needed but thats just me
i agree i wouldnt be tested and even if i was GBS positive i wouldnt have the antibiotics unless i fell into the high risk catergories above.

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