Gatecrashing with a question regarding 20w scans in scotland


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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Hey all :wave:

Hope you dont mind me gatecrashing to ask a wee question..will officially be joining you all tomorrow :dance:

Anyway, i am in Scotland and went for my 12 week scan, when i asked when the next scan was I was told that we only get one at 12 weeks. I said I thought that there was a second scan where we could find out the sex and I was told that if I wanted that I had to pay private :( - Is this across Scotland or only where I am (Glasgow) or is it quite common only to get one scan?

many thanks xx
I didnt think that was the norm. Im in Ayrshire and I got a 20 week scan with both pregnancies.

Hiya btw. :wave:
I know MummyD who is in Inverness only got a 12 week scan and she said that was the norm in Scotland im sure she will be able to tell ya better when she pops on xx
I don't think it is the norm in Scotland.

I got a 12 week and a 20 week scan and I live in Stirling. Some areas of Glasgow you get both and some you don't. Just depends on the hospital. It seems to be varied over the whole of Scotland.

I think everyone should get a 20 week scan as its where they do loads of checks and its more detailed than the 12 week scan.
Hi im in Aberdeen and i got a 12 and 20 week scan but as MrsBrightside said in Inverness i know you only get a 12 week scan and i have a friend in Glasgow who also only got a 12 week scan. I know its all to do with NHS funding or so my sonographer said. If you want to find out the sex there are plenty of private places that do scans. My hospital has a no sexing policy so even though i got my 20 week scan i still wanted to find out the sex and paid for a private scan. :D
Yeah same as Bee as we were at the same hospital :lol:

It's NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Lothian (I think this might have changed for this one though as when I read the article they were on the verge of introducing them) and NHS Highland. It was recommended by the NHS quality improvement folk that all women were given the chance to have a 20 week "anomaly" scan and these health authorities were all marked as unsatisfactory on this category when they were last inspected.

I think they try and get out of it though, my friend who was due last week almost didn't get a 20 week scan because they had such a backlog that she had her first scan around 14-16 weeks. She kicked up a stink about it and got an appointment.
No, its def not the norm. I had a scan at 20 weeks at Paisley. I know someone who was at a Glasgow hosp ( i think it was the Southern General) and they had to pay to get a scan done privately as they wanted to know the sex. I'm really shocked that they wouldn't offer one as my 20w scan was really detailled & they did a lot of checks. I was also told the sex of the baby, but I know that they dont tell you at some of the hospitals in Glasgow. I would push for one, if most of the other hospitals in Scotland offer one then you should really get one too. xx
I'm in Perthshire (Ninewells is my hospital), i got my 1st scan at 14+4 as i didn't actually find out i was pregnant till i was just over 13 weeks, then i got my 20week one - because of family history of heart problems i have to get another at 28 weeks.
Isn't the 20 week scan called an "Anomaly" scan.. to check the baby for abnormalities in growth, spine, etc.. I thought it was mandatory? Very strange.. I'd be just as upset.. maybe it's the area you live in. Speak to your midwife about it..tell ehr your concerns.. going from 12 weeks right through to full-term without another scan or without knowing if the baby is doing alright is a long time!! :think:
I think its extremely unfair that in some areas you dont get the 20 week scan...every NHS hospital should be the same in my eyes! :evil:
I'm in Glasgow (princess Royal) and i had one scan at 13 weeks and then had to pay privately to find out the sex.

We have since had another scan at the hospital due to waters leaking (or so they thought) but other than that you are only entitled to one scan when under the care of that hospital.

Which hospital are you with hun?
daftscotslass said:
I think they try and get out of it though, my friend who was due last week almost didn't get a 20 week scan because they had such a backlog that she had her first scan around 14-16 weeks. She kicked up a stink about it and got an appointment.

Same as me. My 12 week scan was to be when I was 16 weeks cos of a stupid backlog but I got it at 13 weeks when I was admitted to hospital then my 20 week one booked then for 20 weeks rather than that being pushed back too.

Every women should get 2 scans imo
I agree - it's a long time to go from 12 weeks to full term without any routine scans. My uncle and his partner are in Scotland (Bathgate) and I don't think she got a routine 20 week scan (she's due in March) but she has had additional scans due to a few problems she's had. If all had been well, she'd have only had her dating scan.

I think the cost of private scans is a lot more up there too - probably because far fewer hospitals offer anomaly scans. It's disgraceful how different the levels of care seem to be from region to region - I feel so lucky to be under the care of a really good maternity unit.
It definately varies across the various regions. Raigmore hospital in Inverness dont do 20wk scans. I was told this was down to funding issues. I think it is crazy not to give one at 20wks as in many ways this is so much important and detailed. I have since heard that my hospital is hoping to give 20wk scans to all women later on this year.

I didnt get a 20 wk scan, but i am having growth scans at 28, 32 and 36 wks so will be getting a scan at the end of this month anyway.
Sugarhigh said:
I'm in Glasgow (princess Royal) and i had one scan at 13 weeks and then had to pay privately to find out the sex.

We have since had another scan at the hospital due to waters leaking (or so they thought) but other than that you are only entitled to one scan when under the care of that hospital.

Which hospital are you with hun?

Im at the Princess Royal too hun, cant believe we dont get a 20 week scan. I will defo be paying for it private as I dont want the worry of not checking everything is ok. Cant believe we dont get one on the NHS though.
I'm in Midlothian and they don't allow 20 week scans on the NHS here. We ended up getting a private scan. But I think they're planning to change it in the near future.
it's so weird, they used to offer 20 week scans, i know that wehn my aunt had my cousin she was able to find out what he was lol

pacha babybond do anomaly scans as well as reassurance scans later in pregnancy

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