Funny Question...


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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My DD has taken a real liking to the babys cot and we wake shes taken her pooh bear pillow and climbed in the cot and is FAST asleep. i cant even beleive how well she sleeps in it and does not want to be in her single bed anymore since sneaking in there twice after iv put her down. we plan that when the baby is born she will go right into the cot at night.
its so adorable to see her all snuggled up in there but i have a bad feeling shes going to be a monster when baby comes and sleeps in the "Geraff bed" and then she can no longer sneak in there... :think: i decorated her bedroom too in pooh and all princessy and she seemed to love it but obviously the babys room is best :shakehead: ...what do i do now???
Can you talk to her about "sharing" the cot. If you do it now she should have enough time to get used to the concept that she can only "borrow" the cot until the baby is here and then when baby arrives she'll have to let baby sleep in it because the baby is too little to sleep in a big bed?
:lol: bless her yes iv tried that one and she just says "little bit, please mummy" asif to say can i sleep in there just a *little bit* :rotfl:
Aww bless, how can you say no to that!! :lol:

I don't envy you... I think you could have a battle on your hands....
i know its so hard i look at her and say do yo want to sleep in mummy and daddys comfy bed instead? and she just looks at the babys door then at her hand and shows me how much a *little bit* is with her thumb and finger :doh:
Oh gosh what a charmer!!

I'm not sure really, possibly you'll just have to deal with it once baby is here - maybe she'll understand a bit better once the baby is in the cot that there's no room for her?
yeah! in think so too, maybe i might buy her one of those princess canopys that goes over the bed to make hers more special :think: its her 3rd birthday on the 26th Oct so might get her one it could work ;)
Aw how cute :)

However I would start as you mean to go on and make it clear its not for her its for her sister, big up the fact its for babies not for big girls like her and if needs must make her room more appealing/do a star chart for staying in her own bed or if all else fails I would make the room out of bounds to encourage that she stays in her own room. im just thinking that if she takes ownership of the cot you are going to have real problems with a newborn to contend with so doing it now will save issues that could arrive later.

My DS is alot older but he started to try and take some of the toys and stuff intended for LO and really got upset when he saw some of his baby things (blankets and the such like) appear so he was told straight awat that they were for baby now, I think part of it is needing reassurance that THEY are still your little ones, even though they will have to share you... no matter what ever age they happen to be.
My little lady is 3 and we've made a point of making her bedroom "a big girl's room" which kinda covered the reason we took the cot out of her room. The cot is now in the spare room which we're making into a nursery and everytime I go in there I find something in the cot "for the baby" because everything she finds that she thinks is for a baby she puts it in the baby's cot lol. She's nuts!

I think the canopy is a great idea, have you bought new bedding too when you decorated?
She has a big princess duvet and a fleecey pooh blanket on the end incase it gets cold.
yes thats exactly what i was thinking too and shes only done it twice, if i had known she would have been back in her own bed. i deffo like to start how i mean to go on as i always do but shes so cute and its hard i dont want her to feel upset about the baby bofore shes here ... i do like to tell her shes a big girl but she dosnt seem to want to be the *big girl* :lol:
We are having similar problems with our DD, also 3 years, we put all the new bedding on the babies cot, & all she keeps saying is 'I wish I was a baby again so I could sleep in the cot' it was funny when she 1st said it but she seems upset/sad when she keeps saying it.

We've decorated her room as she wanted it, bright PINK, with a pink bed & princess & fairy bedding. The baby has just got pain pink bedding but it's just strange how they react to different things.

She has taken to wetting herself aswell this week, she's been potty trained since 18 months, & she's saying 'will I have to wear a nappy like the baby?' We have included her so much in everything to do with the baby & not spoke none-stop about the baby & just left her to talk about her new sister when she feels like it. I've done all the shopping for baby when she's been at nursery so she doesn't feel like the baby is getting lots of new things.

:oops: Sorry i've gone off on a tangent a bit. I just don't think I actually realised how much of an impact all this has had on her. Bless her. :(
We've done the same thing and DD seems to be coping ok but I think there's no way of knowing and not much else to try until baby arrives. Once baby is here then there's stuff you can do but it's so hard predicting how things will be. She keeps talking about the baby as if it's just mine and I try and correct her to call the baby "ours" but as long as it's in my tummy I think she'll consider the baby to be "mummy's".
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Lucy keeps talking about the baby as if it's just mine and I try and correct her to call the baby "ours" but as long as it's in my tummy I think she'll consider the baby to be "mummy's".

My DD does this too ie: ' when your baby is born mommy....' it makes you wonder what goes through their little heads. Bless 'em! x
Im glad were not the only ones going through this with DD i feel so terrible when she just wants to be the baby in the cot :( :hug:

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