

Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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My OH is out on the piss with his mates. I gave him my bank card as I owe him rent money, he's just rung me saying he tried to draw £100 and the machine said ok but gave him none! He then tried with his card and the same thing happened, he then rung me to tell me and obviously I've gone into panic! That £100 is what I have left at the moment after paying all my bills and saving for baby etc to buy things for my baby and me!
I just rung the bank who REFUSED to tell me anything about my account as they blocked my online banking as they were worried the last computer I logged on at had a virus ( it was a work one well over a year a go I doubt that! Not once have they tried to get in contact with me) they've told me to go to the bank tomorrow but I'm worrying now!

this happend to my mum once, she tried to get money out of the cash point and it didnt give her any. she contacted her bank and they gave her the money back but it did take a few day! hope u get it sorted hun xx
Argh banks are so stupid my bank keeps stopping g my card and bouncing cheques for no reason lol so annoying ! Hope u get it sorted

banks are stupid, i rang to pay my credit card statement bill from our joint account. she asked me to confirm the last transaction off it, so i said a cash withdrawel on a certain date, she said no thats wrong. my husband also has a card for it so i dont know his every move. she wouldnt let me pay for it over the phone. arse holes x
I hate banks I hate dealing with them I hate going in I hate the staff I hate the stupid rules! I would normally be more chilled but I'm living on as little as possible at the moment to save as much as I can for next year so this isn't helping!

:hug: hope you get it sorted chicky. maybe if he is worse for wear he pressed the wrong button a few times and blocked the card? sometimes i think if you get the pin wrong, it still takes you to the screen to withdraw but doesn't let you. I might be wrong though.

could just be a faulty machine.

Omg what a nytmare! Have u been to the bank yet, got any answers? xxx
Oh i HATE having to deal with the banks also, its a PITA!

hope it gets sorted and its either a blunder of his or they replace your money x
Just went to the cash machine and it was still there thank god!

Sometimes at the weekend it takes till the monday to clear your account so if I were you and it still there Id take it out and give it a few days to make sure they dont try take it on the monday then you can lodge it again once everything is ok twords the end of the week :)

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