Full time university,working and baby....how hard?


Aug 16, 2008
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More of a lurker here but need some advice :wave:

I am under no illusions that this would be extremely hard but need to know how hard. I would be looking to attend next year, unfortunately the course is not something that could be done at the OU, however it is 13 hours a week so I would be able to work on my free days.

Does anyone have an experience of looking after a little one, he would be nearly 2 by the time I go, whilst studying full time at university and working to pay a mortgage?
Thanks x
I done a 4 year degree course (full time course though as you said it's only a few hours of actual lectures/tutorial groups daily) but the homework is almost a full time course in itself with the essays, presentation work and group projects you have to submit. I worked part time through university to pay hall of residence fee's and to give me some money to do student things with, drinking, shopping etc. I worked on average about 25 hours per week. I have to say that was enough for me, I couldn't have done the course and job plus look after a child also. I now have my little one, and know I couldn't manage him and a course like that even without adding in work, I just wouldn't have the time to dedicate to the coursework and dissertations etc that were required given the research they need and what not. If you think you can do it then go for it, I do know ladies from university that were there as parents but their children were in school not so much a toddler that needs far more attention plus they didn't work either. If I wanted to do as you want to do then I'd personally leave it untill LO was in school but that's just me. Hope that helps in some way, shape or form :hug:
I'm doing a full time uni course (8 hours contact time a week) running a house and will be going back to work 16 hours a week as of June, apart from the house being a little less tidy then i'd hope i'm coping well and i don't think working on top will be any more difficult, if anything i'm treating it as a little light relief lol.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
i work full time with 2 children (one baby) and study a 8-10 hour a week couse with the oU (for my degree) and it's hard I get no spare time and little peace!
:oops: I could probably do 3 degrees with the amount of time I spend on PF...
Im starting a work from home course in march to get me back in the swing of things again, essay etc. Ithink it'll just be a case of managing your time to precision TBH... setting yourself a timetable and sticking to it .

Jade&Evie said:
:oops: I could probably do 3 degrees with the amount of time I spend on PF...

Thanks ladies some really good advice.

I have studied for various courses in the past 3 years, albeit without a baby, so I know I have the right mindset I think its a case of being super organised like you say Vix. My main concern is the money side of things, I know there is support out there but im not sure how much we can recieve, the websites are all really confusing. Its just scary to think id be giving up a full time wage :(
depends what course your doing, if its NHS i can fill you in as I have uber researched it.
Sadly no, its either Physical Education and Sport or Sports Studies/ Science.

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