Fruit bars - which ones?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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Ewan is eating fruit bars quite well, does anyone know if they are healthy or not, or are they liable to rot his teeth.
I know some are ok, but some a packed with colours, etc.

Are there any particular brands that you give your LO.??
I bought 2 more packs yesterday....they just fit in one pocket of my changing bag so well :lol:
none is my tescos either.. :(
might have to do a trade order!! you can get them in bulk i think.
Hypnorm said:
none is my tescos either.. :(
might have to do a trade order!! you can get them in bulk i think.

My Tesco's don't do them, but there's a big Boots by me and they have them with the toddler meals and raisins etc.
Please forgive me if you think my reply here is inappropriate. :pray:

I think it is far better to offer your baby or child a type of fruit stick instead of a box of smarties, but you have to use your commonsense with it too. All dried fruits (excluding Organic) is preserved with Sulphur Dioxide to prevent mould etc. We have to be careful how much of SD our children consume as it is particularly harmful to children with asthma.

This is from British Dental Foundation ...

How can I prevent tooth decay in my child?
The main cause of tooth decay is not the amount of sugar in the diet, but how often it is eaten or drunk. The more often your child has sugary foods or drinks, the more likely they are to have decay. It is therefore important to keep sugary foods to mealtimes only. If you want to give your child a snack, try to stick to cheese, vegetables and fruit, but not dried fruit.

I love dried fruit - all my kids prefer not to have it. I'm just naturally wary of any additives, preservatives & colourants.

Emilia xx
thats where my problem is - he won't eat raw fruit only pureed, or in stix form.
tried apple he just spat it out, same with cheeze, he will chew on a carrot but wont eat it....!

Hypnorm said:
thats where my problem is - he won't eat raw fruit only pureed, or in stix form.
tried apple he just spat it out, same with cheeze, he will chew on a carrot but wont eat it....!


What a wee fuss pot!! Mine are the same - except Oscar... he seems to eat anything and everything!

Maybe next time you pass a Health shop, check out their organic dried fruit stix. A lot of people don't like the organic dried fruits, because they look bland and dark - actually, they look old! But the only reason for that, is because the SD is ommitted. Most health shops sell lovely fruit stix. I checked out the fruit stix n our shelves here in SA and it is full of colourants. Why I dont know! Most bizarre thing I've seen to date, was orange flavoured prunes & candy floss flavoured cream cheese for kids. Sold in our Woollies which is the same as M&S. :puke:

Emilia xx

Will he eat grated fruit?
dunno will have to try that,

will also try getting some apple rings and see what he thinks of those.

The only thing i have against health food shops here is their prices :shock:
Try this...

Homemade Dried Apples
1. Core 4 medium-size tart cooking apples. Peel apples if you like. Slice the apples into rings, about 1/4-inch thick.

2. To keep the apple rings from browning, in a large bowl, combine 2 cups cold water and 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Add the apple rings, making sure each apple ring gets coated with the water-lemon mixture. Let stand for 5 minutes. Drain well; pat apple rings dry with paper towels.

3. Preheat oven to 300°F. Lightly coat 2 wire racks with nonstick cooking spray. Arrange the apple rings in a single layer on the wire racks, making sure rings do not touch or overlap. Set each rack on a baking sheet. Bake for 15 minutes. Reverse positions of the baking sheets in the oven, moving the baking sheet from the top oven rack to the bottom oven rack and vice versa. Bake for 15 minutes more. Turn off the oven. Let the apple rings dry in the oven, with the door closed, for 3 hours. Remove from oven.

4. To store, place apple rings in large heavy-duty plastic bag. Close bag.

Emilia xx
Hypnorm said:
thats where my problem is - he won't eat raw fruit only pureed, or in stix form.
tried apple he just spat it out, same with cheeze, he will chew on a carrot but wont eat it....!


Oh bless him, Selena that did tickle me, little monkey :rotfl:

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