Frozen Breastmilk


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
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I have alot of frozen breastmilk in my freezer from when i was expressing to try Calleigh with a bottle. Since she refuses the bottle i have been left with quite a bit of milk. Now does anyone know how long this is good to keep?
I have since been donating my milk but if the stuff i have already stored for her is no good i really want to start expressing for her again so that she has a stock of milk which i can use when weaning and for her to drink from a sippy cup.
Oh dear, gonna be alot of wasted boobiemilk :( :cry:

Thanks Jollypops
Think i better start on saving milk for missy :)
I poured about 2l of the stuff down the drain a couple of weeks ago as she was refusing it and I needed freezer space. Such a shame :(

I was a breast milk donor and also had some spare in the freezer. The milk bank happily took it off me even though I'd expressed it before I became a donor. Perhaps worth asking them before you tip it down the sink.

I *think* I have read somewhere that you should try and give frozen milk to your LO within a month of freezing it as breast milk changes to suit the baby's needs and older milk may cause tummy upsets.
sunnyday said:

I was a breast milk donor and also had some spare in the freezer. The milk bank happily took it off me even though I'd expressed it before I became a donor. Perhaps worth asking them before you tip it down the sink.

I *think* I have read somewhere that you should try and give frozen milk to your LO within a month of freezing it as breast milk changes to suit the baby's needs and older milk may cause tummy upsets.

Thanks Sunnyday but i already questioned the extra breastmilk with the bank and unfortunately as i have used breastmilk bags they cant except it :( Such a shame as there is gonna be so much waste :(
As far as I've been told by MW and HV it's 3 months :think:
I ended up with surplus frozen milk which Lo refused to drink in the end. I used it when I cooked for her - it went into sauces, muffins, scrambled eggs etc. I have no idea if it retains any of the goodness once cooked, but I couldn't bear wasting it.
fothers said:
I poured about 2l of the stuff down the drain a couple of weeks ago as she was refusing it and I needed freezer space. Such a shame :(

Gutting!!!!!!!!! I could cry when 3oz is wasted lol
It depends on your freezer. All food keep for different amounts of time in different freezers. A big efficient freezer will keep milk for longer than a fridge freezer.
This link also tells you who did the research to find out how long it can last.

This may not be your sort of thing, but breast milk has a lot of good properties. I used it on the dermatitis on my hand and it cleared up no problem. Online I have found people with cancer drinking a few oz a day as that helps. If you have a cold or anything you might like to have some yourself.

When you start weaning most things can be mixed with breastmilk - anything puréed for example. Or baby rice.

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