from small to big and feeling great


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2010
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well had appointment with midwife yesterday and i am measuring 36cm which is above average on the chart so from a tiny one to a big one. She said its all baby aswell which i knew and when she reckons roughly an 8lb. we shall see. head still not engaged it keeps head butting my pelvis so i think its trying. I cant believe how well i feel except for the itching, piles have gone yeah. took my bloods again to check for oc again because of itching she would rather be on the safe side. so finally a great apontment she did ask if i thought i Would go anytime soon and before my induction date, i said if anything it will be sat night as we going out for a meal for friends 30th. but other than that i reckon i wont. she looked at me as if yeh right lol. then she said next time i see you, you wil have your baby, i said dont say that she said its true you go hospital in 2 weeks to have baby and if your not ready the hospital will see you again so definately you will have baby next time i see you, tha scared me to realise its really thatsoon.
How exciting!! I'm glad you are feeling great too!

Awww I'm glad you're feeling good and your measurements are up! Omg really not long for you at all!!!!

That's great news that baby has had a bit of a growth spurt! And that the piles have gone - phew!! So when do you think you'll be having him now? Earlier than 17th? Looks like you may be our first April mummy!! xx
Oh great news!!! Im only measruing 31cm, so lagging behind, but maybe will get a nice growth spurt in the next 2 weeks!
Im generally feeling ok as well - I feel like I shouldnt be, lol!

Not long now - I take it your induction date is before the 17th april then? I dont have a clue about any of the induction stuff!
yes induction day is 7th april if my body ready so 2 weeks yesterday. i am hoping not to be ready and go a bit longer i loving being pregnant this time and knowing its my last want to make the most of it.

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