Friends comment pissed me off...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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The other day my friend made a comment, i actually confronted her at the time about it and she said it wasnt meant like that bla bla bla and the conversation was fine after that but now Its pissing me off again...

she has two children the first comment she made was because i had said i had just got in from work and was saying i was knackered and hadnt really been cooking because i had been so tired... She went on to say you pregnant ppl these days have it easy! i immediatly pulled her up and said exucse me i get up at 6:30 every morning and drive back and forth from work for about 2 hours a day :evil:

The second one was because I had been telling her that i was really struggling with eating especially in the evenings, so just having simple things like boiled egg with toast etc, she went on to say thats not good and that i should basically force myself to eat a full meal, i said if i can't eat i can't eat what can I do except eat smaller portions, but it felt like she was fecking lecturing me, i said to her i wish i had never told her i was pregnant in the first place and that i didnt need bloody lecturing. I don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs i have been trying my hardest to eat what little and felt really good about myself and it feels like now im sit in my house without any easy cook food i feel like shit i fcking hate know it alls!!!!

Sorry i just had to vent tbh i don't think im going to discuss my pregnancy again with her because my moods are so erratic i will literally smack her!!

sorry having a major bitch fit this evening. lol!! Thanks for listening
:hug: If you feel full then you feel full! At least your eating somthing for your tea no matter how me a egg sandwich would be quite enough.

Ignore her shes probs just jelous of all the pregnancy attention your gonna get! Yippy! :dance:
Oh she's one of these 'I know everything about pregnancy, what's wrong, what's right...blah, blah, blah!!!'

Hun, take no notice, of course you can't force a large dinner down you when you feel rotten and how many times have I heard little and often is better. Daft moo, take with a pinch of salt and try to laugh about it. We don't want you getting stressed now do we :shakehead: :hug:
Aww babe! :hug: I think you are doing bloomin' marvellous!

Ignore her comments, she might have had it easier with her pregnancy.

I've had a few thoughtless comments;
"You haven't had morning sickness? Have you checked that's normal?"
"Flutters? At 12 weeks? Nooo way"
"You can't drink tea that often surely?"

It's like, just because they have children they can dictate our lifestyles to us!

My colleague is a vegetarian, never smoked, eats well, goes jogging etc and keeps telling me to do some exercise as it's healthy for baby... Excuse me?!

Naughty people ay.. xx
Ah, I have been studying this phenomenon and I'm looking forward to being under its spell. Its the rose tinted glasses that you get given with your baby. I don't know yet whether they come out of your uterus. I think they might be in the bounty pack.

Oh so many people said to me "Enjoy your pregnancy - I did!" I felt useless and like a horrible person because I have not enjoyed being pregnant - feeling sick, exhausted and now in a fair amount of pain. The odd thing is, when you talk to these people about pregnancy they had horrible experiences too, they just don't remember them unless you ask specific questions.

So along with forgetting quite how bad labour is, we also forget how bad pregnancy is. I think it might actually be a natural process to ensure that we continue to have more children.

I know some people have easy pregnancies, and I'm very happy for them (and jealous too) but I know from almost every pregnant person I speak to that most of us do not find it easy being pregnant.

Once we've got the rise-tinted glasses from our bounty packs we can look back on the miracle of creating a life and remember how special and energising each day was. Until then I'm going to lie in bed moaning :D
Just popping in to offer my sympathies and these :hug:

A little heads-up though ladies, it doesn't get better.

When a colleague (a childless 50 yr old male colleague) told me at 14 weeks I shouldn't be wearing heels as it'd 'tilt my womb', he nearly found himself with said stiletto inserted in his eyeball............

Just something to look forward to........
Thanks alot girls your comments really made me feel tonnes better, its like now i feel like im stepping on egg shells and if i hear one more "It'll all be worth it" im going to go Bananas, i fecking know it will be but it doesnt mean that im not allowed to have to odd whinge, you know sometimes u need a bit of encouragement and understanding i guess we cant expect that from everyone.

Anyway im off to stick some pins in a doll or something lol :rotfl:
Aww hun :hug: What is it with these people?!! :wall:

At least you know you can always rely on this place for a good old rant! And don't worry about the eating, a lot of people seem to be the same! I can't manage an evening meal, I can't even think about it at times :shakehead:

Steelgoddess said:
The second one was because I had been telling her that i was really struggling with eating especially in the evenings, so just having simple things like boiled egg with toast etc, she went on to say thats not good and that i should basically force myself to eat a full meal, i said if i can't eat i can't eat what can I do except eat smaller portions,

Balls! I largely only ate weetabix and milk from week 8-18 due to constant sickness (was the only thing I could stomach) and gave birth to a beautifully healthy 9lb1oz girl (she loves a weetabix for breakfast though :lol: )
Ignore her she is obviously a know it all - I bet she's one of these who gave birth in an hour with no pain relief or anything so thinks there is no reason to fuss.

Release them preggo hormones though - I ignore mine for a few days then they build up and I'm like a raging lunatic

:hug: :hug:
just wanted to give you some hugs :hug: :hug: obviously she had an easy pregnancy so you should just ignore her. you know what is best for you, and what you can stomach or not shes just being stupid :hug:
Awwwww :hug: :hug: :hug:

I must admit people do like to comment to us prengnant ladies :wall: Usually the last things we want to hear as well :x

I can sympathise with you on the feeling knackered and would wholeheartedly feel you are entitled to have your whinge/moan or whatever you want to call it. I know I did :lol: Mostly to hubby or my Mum but I let them know. It actually made me feel really miserable and I *had* to sleep 2-3 hours every afternoon otherwise I just could not function for the rest of the day. So you feel free to come here and let us know if your day has been a bit crap. Or if its been good. We'll be here to share and give you a hug :hug:

Also I think a lot of us struggle(d) to eat in the evenings during first tri. I hardly ever did. I used to graze all day, little and often (tho that was more to do with my 24/7 nausea) and nibble on fruit and steamed veg, even though I didn't really fancy it, it wasn't so bad and never felt like I was forcing it down, as I would nibble, go away, come back, munch some more, go again and so on.

Find some food you are enjoying and eat it when you feel like it.

I must admit, I don't recall ever really trying to give advice to any of my pregnant friends in the past. Wasn't like I had any experience to give them :p It did cross my mind that once LO is here, that may change but I shall endevour to hold my tongue if I find myself about to say something that a newly PG lady might go :x at :lol: . Mind you, most of my friends all had their kids a few years back now, no one I know is going to be PG again anytime soon. Hell one of my best friends has just become a grandmother :shock: I remember holding her daughter in my arms and saw her grow up. Now she has a little boy of her own. Yes, that's how old I am :rotfl:

Mind you, saying all that, on here we are all here to help and support each other and give advice to those that need/want/ask for it etc. But I think the beauty of this place is that we are pretty much all on the same page and understand this is different to real life and our family and friends and so on.

Erm not sure I explained that well but ah well :)
How irritating, I would have been v tempted to smack her too!

I'm finding this more and more, that people just don't understand and mothers are the worst - as above they seem to forget what a drag pregnancy can be. If one more person says "enjoy your time now before the baby comes" I'll scream! I want a baby, that's what I'm doing this for and going through these 9 months is not my "last bit of freedom before I'm doomed forever", it's a necessary evil to create a beautiful new life.

Phew, rant over xxx
:twisted: :twisted: I knw what you mean, i've been signed off work for 2 weeks with very bad headaches and nausea. There are people in work that think i'm using my pregnancy for a bit of time off and to do some baby shopping (I wish). One person even said 'you can't go saying the headache thing is pregnancy related'!!!! my answer was 'an increase in hormones dear'. You would think your friendwould be more sympathetic seen as though she too has been pregnant before xx
The comment I've heard the most "most women don't even know they are pregnant and just carry on as normal". It's mainly men that say this to me. I've also been signed off work for two weeks with bleeding and back pain so they can all shove that in their pipe and smoke it :talkhand:

Ignore most of all the advice you're given and most of the comments if you can hun. You get them all the way through and afterwards when you have your kids too so I've got used to saying "Oh really, ok" and instantly forgetting it otherwise you'd go mad as most of the "advice" contradicts itself anyway. I remember my sister in law saying to me when I was about 30 weeks "You haven't been eating unwashed lettuce have you as that's a real no no" I had and I was paranoid for weeks- totally ridiculous really, I mean ok you should probably wash it but for goodness sake as if there isn't enough to avoid already, I'm sure the human race isn't that fragile!

An old lady stopped Mel when he was pushing his baby doll in a toy buggy the other day and told him that his baby had cold feet because he didn't have shoes and socks on- I think she was only half joking and Mel looked all upset- he's obviously a bad parent in the making at only 2! Some people just have to comment!

p.s. most women find pregnancy hard but I don't really understand this whole post-labour denial! I had a pants pregnancy with Mel even though I was pretty healthy all the way through and had no problems other than your normal stuff, it was still like a long uphill struggle and I didn't enjoy it I have to say. I genuinely had a positive labour though and I am all up for doing it all again though if I can but I'm not expecting to be able to "enjoy it" although if I do that would be great!

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