forward facing carseats??


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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ok so the size0 carseats birth to 9kg? what happens when ur baby gets to 9kg and arnt 9 months..?? do u keep them in the rearfacing seat or go to forward facing.. because the rear facing says up to 9kg.. is it dangerous to leave them in rearfacing fast 9kg? should you move up to 9months to 4yrs even if your baby isnt 9 months?? what is safer??
we have had major problems with this. James is now approaching 10kg. M&P refused to sell us a forward facing seat yet when they tried to sit him in the "right" one his shoulders were completely hunched over and his head came above the top of the seat.

In the end we have gone for a forward facing one - he is comfy and looks loads safer. Its got the isofix fitting which is the safest way to fit the seat to the car and he is sitting up now and supporting himself so he is a lot stronger muscle wise.

Im thinking of setting up a "bigger babies" business to make stuff like bigger car seats and bath supports cos if your baby is in the top percentile in terms of weight and height, your basically screwed.
we've got a britax first class and its fine for his size and is rear facing at the mo. We only got it sat.

I wouldn't put him forward facing until he was a year or so xx
my seat says 0-13kgs , and every seat ive looked at says 13kg , thats why i decied to get another carrier and not front facing cos lelands already 8.5kg anyway ./

its more to do with the risk to the neck in an accident front facing , as far as im concerned leland will be rear facing for aslong as physically possible.
was thinking about getting the britax si seat birth to 4 yrs.. 99 quid in mothercare.. but if its safe to put him in the forward facing seat now then i can use charlottes..its silly wasting 100 quid when he should be ok in the other one ive got.. hes 19lb10 btw.. so hes almost at that stage which is why im asking coz i feel unsure about which is safer????
ooooooooooo just looked on my seat and it is up to 13kg.. lol. oospyy haha why did i think it was 9 :S
Apparently they can't go into forward facing car seats until they are a year old... its not to do with the weight, its to do with the fact that in a head on collision the neck muscles in a child under the age of 12 months, aren't strong enough to support it... and can give them permanently neck or spinal damage. I have a seat that is forward and backwards facing... Its a stage 0+ (so from birth although it was much too big for lil miss when she was tiny) up till the baby 4... she grew out of her new born one really quick... we had to stretch it out till she was big enough to fit into the bigger one.
We bought a 0-4yrs one a couple of weeks ago so Luke can go in the front with me. I thoroughly recommend it...

Concord Ultimax

Very good car seat IMO :) ... ;109/3/550 ... seats.html ... tytips.cfm (read the group 1 section)

I also found Britax's recommendations Lisa as you mentioned its their seat that you use and they recommend a year too.. :) ta dah!!!

If thats not enough for you...

Here is a video of a crash test done with a rear facing car seat ... re=related

heres one with a forward facing... ... re=related

It doesn't take an expert to see which is safer really...

and heres one of those squishy videos.. :roll: we love our kids best type.. but they got a point.. ... re=related

I researched this because a forward facing car seat would allow lil miss to sleep better as we can have it tilting further back.. but after really looking into it I realised that I would compromise her safety just for letting her sleep.. and while I'd love her to sleep more.. its not worth it ...
lisa&alex said:
ok so the size0 carseats birth to 9kg? what happens when ur baby gets to 9kg and arnt 9 months..?? do u keep them in the rearfacing seat or go to forward facing.. because the rear facing says up to 9kg.. is it dangerous to leave them in rearfacing fast 9kg? should you move up to 9months to 4yrs even if your baby isnt 9 months?? what is safer??

Apparently its safer to keep them rear facing till they are older still. Other countries do rear facing to 4 years of age. Go figure!
well.. even more reason for a people carrier :d one with swivel chairs like the cherokie grand voyager

thanks for links and advise girlies :D
actually feel quite scared.. that a mum i knew used ehr carry cot as a carseat..(it did have a carseatstrap thing and said u could use it as one) but the baby is obviously not strapped in??!!! what if u crash???
Jen&James said:
we have had major problems with this. James is now approaching 10kg. M&P refused to sell us a forward facing seat yet when they tried to sit him in the "right" one his shoulders were completely hunched over and his head came above the top of the seat.

In the end we have gone for a forward facing one - he is comfy and looks loads safer. Its got the isofix fitting which is the safest way to fit the seat to the car and he is sitting up now and supporting himself so he is a lot stronger muscle wise.

Im thinking of setting up a "bigger babies" business to make stuff like bigger car seats and bath supports cos if your baby is in the top percentile in terms of weight and height, your basically screwed.

We got the Britax Ultra Si 0-4 and have used it since birth for Galen. We figured he would be on the larger side so decided to skip the whole infant carrier part. Lucky for us we did. He was and still is on the 91st centile and would have soon outgrown an infant carrier. As it is he is not 12 weeks yet and the Britax one is really comfy and fitted for him now. When he was newborn it looked massive but he's soon filled it.

We plan to keep it rear facing for as long as we can, hopefully 9-12 months. And even then I am looking at options for rear facing as he gets older.
ive just put mia in her forward facing seat....

OMG am i turning it around!!!!

jesus christ its scary :(
Haylii&&Mia said:
ive just put mia in her forward facing seat....

OMG am i turning it around!!!!

jesus christ its scary :(

:hug: :hug: :hug:

I cannot understand how we have forward facing from such a young age when elsewhere its older.
I read a while back, and once I had read the bit about 'internal decapitation' I couldn't put that info away at the back of my mind, and I had to buy a rear facing car seat. I have a Mitsubishi, but OH used to have a Volvo. Volvo do their own rear facing car seats and cannot recommend any other way to transport your child. Apparently in Scandinavia you keep your child rear facing till they are 4 years old.

I bought my car seat from the Milton Keynes shop on the rearfacing website. It's just like any other child car seat from the point of view as to how your baby sits in it, but it just faces backwards.
mayday said:
I read a while back, and once I had read the bit about 'internal decapitation' I couldn't put that info away at the back of my mind, and I had to buy a rear facing car seat. I have a Mitsubishi, but OH used to have a Volvo. Volvo do their own rear facing car seats and cannot recommend any other way to transport your child. Apparently in Scandinavia you keep your child rear facing till they are 4 years old.

I bought my car seat from the Milton Keynes shop on the rearfacing website. It's just like any other child car seat from the point of view as to how your baby sits in it, but it just faces backwards.

It certainly opened my eyes when I read that site. I was PG still at the time and was adamant I wanted our LO to be rear facing for as long as he could be. Its what he'll be used to as he gets bigger and on longer journies one of us can sit in the back with him if need be.

We bought a new car and I'm going to look and see if we can keep rear facing till 4 in it somehow. Now I know all the pros and cons I can't believe people are so keen to turn their childrens car seats round when so young. But as our laws and advice differ from elsewhere its not surprising.
I just read the forum over there also and am going to write/email places like Mothercare and Halfords also and enquire why they don't stock such things.

The more people request this sort of seat the more likely that companies will introduce them over here on a small scale.

Its a lot of money for a car seat but once LO reaches the wiegth limit I'll do what I can to get a proper rear facing till 4.

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