

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
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Hi Ladies,

This isn't my usual strand of questioning but i was wondering if any of you have had any experience with Fluoxetine (aka Prozac). I have recently been prescribed it as I have been really struggling lately with severe anxiety and depression. If anyone could tell me their experince that would be great - How long did it take to work, did you get any side effects, was it effective?

Many thanks

I was on this before i got pregnant again, i found it took a few weeks for
me to notice a change in how i felt, there wasnt many side effects for me
but i did find if i forgot to take it i would feel strange, good luck
hope you feel better soon :hug:
thanks for your reply, i'm so glad to hear you got on ok with them- I have read soo many horror stories on the web about it, it really scares me xxx
i have been on it almost 4 weeks now. I think im doing ok. Still have low days and things like that but im doing better.

no side affects as yet i dont think...
I've been on it for about 4 months now I think :think: It took almost 2 weeks for me to feel any benefit from it and I think at first it made me more anxious but that soon wore off. For the first couple weeks it gave me a dry mouth but that soon went away too.

The only lasting side effect I've had is that it's harder to orgasm while on it :wall: but seeing as I had no sex drive without it anyway, it's not a huge problem.
I think it's helped me feel loads better, I'm on 40mg a day atm :D
I took this for about 2years, I found the first couple of weeks I felt a bit trembly but after about 4weeks I started feeling better. I had to up the dose quite a fair bit after about 6months as they wasnt working so well. Just dont forget to take them as thats when you notice the side effects and they arent nice :hug: :hug:
thanks for the replies, Tillytot, did it really take four weeks? :? that's not good, although I have been given diazepam to help with the anxiety until the ADs kick in. How come they stopped working - that scares me :( I have been put on 20mg.

I was previously on escitaprolam (cipralex) 10mg which was good but the withdrawals were hell and i came off because we were ttc....

Hi hun,

I have been on fluoxetine in the past and it didnt work for me. Didnt make me feel better at all, but that isnt to say it wont make you feel better so dont panic!!!

I was on Cipralex up until 12 weeks of my pregnancy then came off, and your right the withdrawal made me so ill. Ive had to go back on anti depressents now, but not cipralex as they told me this was too high in toxicity so im now on cipramil 10mg and feeling much better.

Good luck with the fluoxetine, im sure you will be ok hun. :hug:
hi i was on fluoxetine for 8 month and stopped them about 3 months ago. they didnt take that long to start working, prob about a couple of weeks for me. at first i went off my food a bit but then was fine and they worked great for me. i chose to come off them after 8 month and was feeling so much better and still feel ok x
iv been on it a couple times- at first there are side effects, drowsiness, yawning, gurning, jaw-clenching (very similar to mild x pills!) and loss of appetite- but these subsided after about 2 weeks and thats when the proper effects start kicking in and i found my mood lifted. the most annoying thing about them tho is they stop me from enjoying sex as much they make orgasms nearly impossible :(

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