flippin mastitis - AGAIN!!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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i brought this on myself im so mad. Dylans been feeding for hours on end every evening and last night i was so tired and so drained that i gave him formula. through the night i felt uncomfortably full and my boob just got more and more painfull as the night progressed. i woke up this morning with a headache and a very sore boob and thought oh no! i really should have expressed but didnt think 1 feed short would cause me any problems. well now i've got all the flu symptoms possible and feel so so ill. il go to the docs tomorrow and i know the different things that i can do to help it as iv had it before. all i do is moan recently and im sorry to go on and on but i think my OH's bored of hearing about it. i just feel down because i havnt the strength to even pick Dylan up. he needs his mummy and as terrible as it sounds, i just havnt got the energy to go to him so OH's doing it all tonight :(

i'v also got thrush so i know i havnt got much of an immune system at the minute, i always get that when im run down.

theres no real point to this post i just needed to get it out and stop feeling sorry for myself. sorry girls xx
:hug: Hope you get it sorted tomorrow hun with ani-b's I know how painful it can be :hug:

In the meantime try and feed as much as possible from that side and massage your boob, the shower head is good for that too. If you can pump as well then I would try that. When he wakes during the night you could do with feeding him instead of letting your hubby feed him a bottle as it will make the mastitis worse and you may even get it in the other boob if you're not feeding him.

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