

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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im not sure if my cat has fleas... She is an inside cat, so one of us must have brought them in on our clothes, or under the gap under the front door (wouldn't surprise me with our neighbours).

She isn't itching loads, but both me and OH have what seem like little bites on our ankles and legs which itch. Can't see any on alice though. is that what you would expect from fleas?

How can i treat our carpets etc to try and kill them if we do have them? is hovering enough? Ive treated the cat ages ago, but the treatment must be running out in the next few weeks (and her worming treatment). Is it possible our carpets have fleas and the cat doesn't?

eww... it makes my skin crawl! i was scrubbing my kitchen floor the other day and ended up unscrewing the dividing bar between the hallway carpet and kitchen laminate and there was 2 old maggot cocoon thingies there :puke: :puke: Ive ended up lifting all the joining things everywhere in the flat and hovered under them encase there was more :puke: :puke: :puke:

anyway.. im going on - can anyone help me with my possible flea problem?
Hoovering doesn't kill them. I have indoor cats and still have this problem. I went to the vets and bought some home spray. Cost me £15 but does everything. Carpets, sofas, curtains,the lot. Very strong stuff though so you'd have to do it and leave the house for an hour. Worked really well.
You need to treat the cat too, frontline combo is excellent, it isnt cheap but much better than the cheap stuff you get in the pet shop.
I'd second frontlining the cat.

I get mine off the internet though, as you don't need a prescription, and it's MUCH cheaper than paying for it at the vet/chemist/pet store. I use a website called petmeds for mine.
I had fleas recently from next door's cats coming visiting. I use the Advantage drops (cheaper than frontline, still from the vets) on the cat and they work fine.

I spent a fortune on RUBBISH Bob Martin sprays, powders & even bombs but the only thing that got rid of them was the spray from the vets. I hadn't bought it originally because I thought it was a bit dear but I ended up wasting so much money on RUBBISH Bob Martin I wish I'd just bought it in the first place!

1 can is supposed to do a 3 bed house, it did our 2 bed bungalow no problem at all and I haven't seen any of the little buggers since.

Make sure that even if you re-treat your cat you treat the carpets (especially along the skirting board) too.
frontline your cat and indorex house spray will do the job :)
Bob Martin stuff should banned!!! I used it, almost killed my cat! Apparently it does kill far too often and it doesn't even kill fleas!!! My vet was fuming when he found out what i'd used! Not at me but at the fact there was another case. It cost me £100 in vet bills to save her life!
I was recommended Frontline. Used something different recently but worked just as good! Always go to the vets! Someone to complain to if all goes wrong!

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