flat nipples - that's why I am having problems!

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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It's taken me a while to realise where my problems breastfeeding come from! I've never really looked at my nipples and thought 'they're flat' but my OH politely suggested that maybe that was why breastfeeding was so tough!

I can get her to latch but she'll only stay on a minute and all the constant re-latching left me with cut and sore boobs.

I'm now expressing every time she wants food (ready for the next feed) and am only using formula if she is still hungry after she has taken all the milk i've managed to express.

I've got nipple shield things too and am really hoping it will bring out my nipples enough to try direct feeding again - and once i'm healed i'll definately try and get her to latch.

I have decided though, not to let it get me down, if it doesn't work then it doesn't work and I'll have tried!

I just wish someone had of pointed out the flat nipple thing earlier - or at least mentioned that that would be why it was more difficult!
bless your OH i bet that took his courage with all ur hormones :lol:
Good luck with the nipple shields.

:hug: :hug:
Good luck BabyBee - I hope you find a workable solution soon hun.

Valentine Xxx
i use nipple shields and they're fab. leckershell reassured me about their use as the midwives and HVs i spoke to were really anti them. but i don't think i'd still be bf-ing without them - my nipples aren't flat but they're small, and connor couldn't get enough in his mouth for his latch to be effective.

i use them for every feed and plan on continuing to bf for as long as possible. connor & i bothi prefer the mam ones to the avent ones...

good luck.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I have the same problem and I use nipple sheilds - if he's getting fed then I have no problem with them at all
My OH is picking me some up on his way home from work! Wooo! I'm excited about trying them! (maybe an end to sterilising bottles constantly and getting arm ache from pumping!)

Glad to hear they've worked for a few of you :)

and Leckershell - thanks for you're PM - i've replied!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
you're all so good to me!!
I got shown how to pinch them just before latching on, that really helped me.

A very useful book is 'What to expect when you're breastfeeding, and what if you can't?' By Claire Byam-Cook
BabyBee said:
My OH is picking me some up on his way home from work! Wooo! I'm excited about trying them! (maybe an end to sterilising bottles constantly and getting arm ache from pumping!)

Glad to hear they've worked for a few of you :)

and Leckershell - thanks for you're PM - i've replied!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
you're all so good to me!!

how are you finding them hon?? hope they're working for you :hug: :hug:
I use the avent ones but just ordered the Mam ones too see what they are like.

Also I found the Boots own ones were crap
I have to do the pinch tequnique too. But seems to work. He also struggles to latch on after taking infacol as he gets a slippery mouth, so I have to pull back and wipe myself a couple of times then he seems okay. Quite a palava with all this pinching and wiping. :lol:
Well they work as far as she is getting milk out of them! (we got the avent ones) BUT I can't use them really until my right nipple as healed. At the moment it is SO cut that it looks like my nipple could actually fall off! (the cut goes all the way round) and the nipple shields were agony on that boob!

I will let them heal and try again! I did like using the shields - and on the left boob it was great!!

will keep you updated!

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