Cracked nipples


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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Alice has broken me! My nipples are really sore and getting cracked quite badly. I've invested in some nipple shields and I've been putting loads of cream on but they seem to be getting worse! It's getting to the point that I'm struggling to feed her because they hurt. Can anyone give me suggestions on how I can get them better? X
Hi hun, are you using lansinoh? It sounds like latch on isn't right, they shouldn't crack or hurt. Can you go to a local BFing group for help?
If it gets worse, you can express milk and give it to her. You have to make sure she latches on properly every time. If not, take her off and try again. I know it's frustrating but it's learning for them as well as you.
Yeah I've been using lanisoh. Trying to express but struggling to gets any milk out. I Must sound so awkward!! I do have to keep taking her on and off, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong! :( getting her weighed on Tuesday so I'll ask hv then, otherwise bf group isn't til Wednesday or thursday I think
Your local NCT should have a lactation consultant, go check on their website. It shouldnt hurt, have they checked her for tongue tie?
Don't think shes been checked for Tongue tie. Just feeding her now, she's managed to latch on well this time. That was prob the problem. Feeling a bit under the weather aswell so maybe it's a bit of mastitis. Hope I've caught it early and can clear it by feeding her. Thanks for the advice, put my mind at ease x
I had really sore nipple (cracked and bleeding) - you need to check that the latch is right, la leche league could be a good contact point for you. Once the latch is sorted then they should start to heal. I used nipple shields and lots of lanisnoh cream to sort mine out.
I think we're getting some where now. I'm not in pain any more, I feel better aswell! Been slapping on loads of lanisoh, but I ditched the shields yesterday as they seemed to hinder her latching properly. Hopefully I'm on the road to recovered nipples!

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