First Visit To Our Midwife


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Oct 11, 2008
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Hi all

Am posting on behalf of my better half, who hasn't created an account yet.

We have our first appointment with the midwife on Thursday. Have read a few posts about this first visit on the forums but I have a very specific question:

Exactly what blood samples are taken? We've read about the tests but what actual samples are taken? How many needles are involved? The reason I ask is that she is terrified of needles (gets seriously stressed about medical personnel in general, but she will literally fly out of the room at the mention of sharp pointy things...).

Thanks for any help/advice you can give.

All the best

Hi Martin

I had my first midwife appointment last week and there were no blood tests, just a urine sample.

She talked me through all the blood tests that would happen but from what I remember (most things went over my head really) there are no blood tests till 16 weeks and she'll tell you what these are for etc and exactly when they all happen in your first visit.

Our first visit was really just a lot of questions.

Hope that helps!

Hi Martin,

I can only guess that it all depends on your Midwife, on my first vist i was weighed, had my BP done, urine checked, and bloods taken i had about four tubes (only one needle!) and it was very quick, do keep in mind though i had the choice of which tests i'd like and choose to have them all, this included things like HIV Heptitis ect, so ur OH may decide to skip these, i just like the extra peace of mind personally!

As for how many they will want for definate im not sure, but they do need to check her blood group, if like myself she is Rehsus Negative they need to keep an eye on it and have possible Anti D injections, so she may only need one tube so super quick!!

She also asked lots of questions, personal info, family history ect.

Hope all goes well :D
Hiya, I had my 8 week booking in appointment a couple weeks ago and she just asked me my weight, she didnt weigh me. She used one needle to take 4 tubes of blood, they were testing for, iron levels, blood group, rubella antibodies and syphilis and HIV (you can decline to have these tested for though if you choose). Also she did my blood pressure, chatted about any previous deliveries/miscarriages, and also birth options whether I wanted a hospital or home birth, but then she said I didnt have to decide until about week 36 anyway.

Good Luck-I hope she is lovely :D
Thanks for everyone's help,

We've just read the replies so far together, and she hasn't even started shaking yet (usually this starts about a week in advance of any visit to the surgery).

Really appreciate your help

I just wanted to say I have a really bad fear of needles to , but I have a very understanding and fantastic midwife who talks to me through the whole process and keeps me really calm.
It is only one needle (though several tubes of blood) and i know it prob doesnt help but it will be over quickly.
I always try and remind myself that the actual experience is NEVER EVER as bad a I wind myself up to believe it will be.
Good luck and i'm sure everything will be fine :)
hi - i had mine today and they must vary a bit. I jsut had one sammple taken for sickle cell and thessa...somehting or other. Jsut testing if i am a carrier of blood disorders really and it was one needle and one sample. She did explain the other test which is one needle and about 4 tubes (so they dont keep changing the needle) and thats like the other ladies are saying for HIV etc which they will take at next appointment. You dont have to have ANY of the tests if you dont want but she will explain clearly why have them to give you the option. I had a sample taken in about 4 bottles about a month ago for some other things and i didnt feel a thing once the needle went in initially, it was just the same as a normal blood sample and felt like a tiny scratch. I jsut never look and i feel fine! Well apart from the normal pregnancy sickness!

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