First time mom!


Nov 23, 2020
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Iv currently just found out I’m pregnant after 4 years of not being able to conceive. It still hasn’t sunk in! I’m finding it difficult to actually believe I am pregnant!. Iv taken 3 tests at different times of the day and they have all come back positive!! , Iv worked it out that I’d be about 5/6 weeks pregnant. If my calculations are correct!. My husband is so excited, but at the moment I’m the opposite;/. Because I can’t believe that it’s true after everything we have been through, I have a blocked Fallopian tube and also endometriosis so this is very hard for me to believe that it’s true :(. Any advice would be appreciated
Thank you
My advice is to enjoy it. It is honestly a miracle and so so beautiful. I spent my whole first trimester miserable because I was scared of how everything would change. I regret it. I wish I enjoyed it more. Babies are blessings. As time passes and your pregnancy progresses, it will start to feel more real. Just keep looking forward to those days and when you’ll have that little baby in your arms.
Thank you so much!! It’s just so hard to process as we have had so many negatives over the last few years. Iv been awake all night overthinking! Because I just don’t know what to expect .
like how will we tell people and when, when do we start buying ect, how we’re going to adapt our home for a baby, this is my first child but my husbands second . His daughter is 8, so quite a big age difference too.
Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Maybe booking a private early scan will help to set your mind at ease if you see baby onscreen and get to hear the heartbeat. But yeah, try to enjoy your pregnancy as much as you can although I can understand your nerves after your journey to this point :hug:
Thank you . It’s just so scary not knowing what exactly Is going on with little one in there!
mic done so much reading up on stuff overnight I feel like my head is fried.
We haven’t told anyone as yet as we don’t know how to tell people or when the best time is , being so early on we don’t want to ruin anything.
When did you tell your parents they were going to be grandparents??. Maybe it will help us make a decision .
Aww, as hard as it is try not to over think and worry yourself too much.
Like @malagueta see if you can book an early reassurance scan, that may help it sink in abit more for you.
It’s entirely your choice to when you feel comfortable telling your friends and family.
I told my family and best friends the same day I found out, but I also know people that have waited until after the 12 week scan.
There’s no right or wrong time, just whenever you feel comfortable to tell people
When I found out with my first, we told my side of the family at 10 weeks, as that was the first time we got to see them in person (they live far away from us) and my in-laws were told at 8 weeks on my mother-in-law's birthday.

This time around, I told my close family and my best friend at 5 weeks as I was impatient lol. And Covid changed it all so we knew we weren't going to see family properly anyway and most were told by video call.
We have just been and told my
Mum and dad. We don’t want to jinx it too much, but we had to tell someone for it to seem more real.
Their over the moon!. It was amazing seeing their reaction!.
Did anyone suffer cramps the first few weeks? I had cramps around a week ago, which I thought was the start of my period. But obviously it never turned up. So took a test yesterday! But I seem to still have the cramps? I suffer with endometriosis so the cramps are usual for me anyway. But now Iv had a positive test I’m worrying incase there’s something wrong? Il be around 5weeks
From around 5 weeks I suffered terrible cramps for about a week or so, felt like bad period pains and pains in my hips and made my legs achey.
I think it’s just to do with your body starting to adjust to a baby being there and it’s getting ready to make room for it to grow.
Congratulations on your news btw <3
I fretted for the entire 1st trimester, it took us 5 years to conceive our little miracle with fertility drugs, a month before we were due to start IVF I found out we’d finally managed to conceive on clomid. I booked an early private scan which helped me to relax a lot, seeing our little bean on the screen, hearing their little heartbeat, just knowing there was actually a baby in there really helped me. I still used to have daily worries throughout my whole pregnancy, think I was just paranoid something would go wrong!

it’s really hard to believe that you’re actually pregnant when you’ve been trying for years and even harder not to worry! Try and enjoy it as much as you can, congratulations!! Xxxx
Congratulations it took us many years, failed rounds of clomid and countless negatives to conceive DS1, now expecting again by complete suprise!

Come join is in July2021 mummies xxxx
Congratulations to you all who have had a successful round of clomid! That was the next option for me if we hadn’t conceived ,
It’s so hard to process . We’ve done 7 tests just to be sure . the cramps are worrying and every time I have one I start to panic because it dosent feel right , even though it probably is fine! And is just baby and body adjusting!
thank you all so so much for your help and advice!! I wish you all the best !
Congratulations to you all who have had a successful round of clomid! That was the next option for me if we hadn’t conceived ,
It’s so hard to process . We’ve done 7 tests just to be sure . the cramps are worrying and every time I have one I start to panic because it dosent feel right , even though it probably is fine! And is just baby and body adjusting!
thank you all so so much for your help and advice!! I wish you all the best !

I had cramps until about week 8 with this pregnancy. It's just your body starting to stretch and baby getting nice and snug in there so try not to worry! X

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