First Period


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2008
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Just wondering what your first period after giving birth was like?

I had a section and my loss after having Molly stopped after about 2 weeks and wasn't particularly heavy. I started what I presume is my period on Saturday and at first it was a bit odd and spotty and I thought it was still post birth loss. As disgusting as this sounds, it had a particular smell which reminded me of just after I'd had her so I thought it was just what was left. :puke:

Now though it's really heavy and I can feel it leaking out, especially if I laugh! It's really really red and I have some small clots. I'm not using the best pads in the world but I'm having to change it every hour.

Is this normal?
i breast-fed for 8 months so didnt have any periods. then i went on the pill and STILL didnt have any periods for about 5 months. then i had constant spotting for a month (think that was caused by the MAP but not sure) then i had one perfect withdrawal pill bleed in october (light lasting 3 days) then i got pregnant again but miscarried at 5 weeks. i have JUST finished my first natural period since- well since i was 14 actually! :lol: it was light, lasted 3 days!

i'd heard first AF after baby was very heavy but mine wasnt at all. but then again i heard miscarriages were very heavy but mine was lighter than a period!

think all women are different :hug:
I breastfed for 6 days but didn't get my first period til 14 weeks. :shock:

When it eventually came it was a bit heavier than normal but not awful. I get more cramps now though- never got them before :(
i got mine at 4 months despite exclusivly breast feeding (mutter mutter).

it was a bit heavier than normal (i'd always had really light ones before, only lasting three days).

And most notebly i was REALLY hormonal ( i told my husband to pack a bag and leave and whe he wouldn't i didn't talk to him for three days).

Sandi4Paul said:
And most notebly i was REALLY hormonal ( i told my husband to pack a bag and leave and whe he wouldn't i didn't talk to him for three days).

:rotfl: Awwwww bless

I was going to ask if BFers get periods, suppose my question has been answered :D
i got my period after 12 months but am still breast feeding..i get much more teary before my periods but am more regular than before and maybea little lighter
Not had mine yet as I'm still breastfeeding a lot! Wondering when it'll show up as I'm putting money on it arriving when I'm unprepared!
I didnt get my first period for 7 months after giving birth, i didnt breast feed at any point i always bottle fed. xxx
xmcnickyx said:
Just wondering what your first period after giving birth was like?

I had a section and my loss after having Molly stopped after about 2 weeks and wasn't particularly heavy. I started what I presume is my period on Saturday and at first it was a bit odd and spotty and I thought it was still post birth loss. As disgusting as this sounds, it had a particular smell which reminded me of just after I'd had her so I thought it was just what was left. :puke:

Now though it's really heavy and I can feel it leaking out, especially if I laugh! It's really really red and I have some small clots. I'm not using the best pads in the world but I'm having to change it every hour.

Is this normal?
Hun I could have wrote this post!! lol!
Yes it is normal! Well I would say it is as thats what mine was like with all my kiddies lol! If you are worried at all, ask your HV or doc but thats exactly what mines been like and if I remember right lol was like with the other 3! :D

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