First One On The Way

Little Rose

Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hi, i'm new to the forum and to pregnancy! I am expecting my first baby in April and to be honest am anxious about it already! I'm not a fan of hospitals at the best of times and I must have heard ever horror story going over the years about birthing.
I'm looking forward to learning all the nice things no one ever bothered to tell me on the forum.

Rose x
hey and welcome!
im due in january :D and also with my first. scary isnt it! yep people make a point of telling you horror stories i think, just ignore it and take everything as it comes! thats kinda what im doing lol
speak soon x
Hey Lexi,
it's good to know that most other first timers are feeling like I am!
To be honest, I thought i'd be walking the floors with worry for the whole 9 months but so far so good. No sickness either which is a bonus. I don't know how people go to work feeling icky and pretending everything is fine, they deserve a medal!

We had our first scan the other night but there wasn't much to see. We're going back in 4 weeks for another and the Consultant has told us the picture will be much better this time around. Eeek!

How have you been getting on - I see you're feeling grumpy today!

Rose x
Hi rosa! Welcome! One of the biggest hurdles when you become pregnant is ignoring the horror stories and knowing in yourself that pregnancy, labour and birth are completely natural and true horror stories are rare. This isn't my first baby so there must be something that makes us come back for more! I honestly can not wait to give birth again!

Glad you're feeling well and have no sickness! It can be a bugger! Lol! Good luck x
Hey Helen, thanks for the kind words of support! Everyone on here is so nice. x
Welcome to the forum :yay:

I am neither a fan of hospitals or the doctors but once your there you really won't be thinking about that too much so try and relax.

Welcome :wave:

My only advice would be don't listen to any horror stories every labour is different. When I was pregnant with my DD everybody had a different story to tell some good, some bad, some terrible. I was terrified I hate pain. Anyway I had a very quick labour and I'm trying again so couldnt have been that bad and its true what they say as soon as you have your baby in your arms you forget everything. :)

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