First Midwife Visit Tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2008
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Tomorrow I am 8 weeks pregnant :D

And I have my first midwife visit tomorrow!

Just wondered what to expect?
It can differ depending on where you live but in general your midwife will ask questions about your own medical history and also general family history for both you and your OH - things like any history of diabetes, heart conditions, problems with pregnancies etc.

She'll probably take blood, check your blood pressure and sometimes they weigh you (I didn't get weighed).

It's your chance to ask any questions you have and have a chat with your midwife and get to know her a bit but not much else happens. She'll also give you some leaflets about the kinds of tests that they do on you and baby. The main thing is to ask anything you want - there are no stupid questions so if you're not sure then just ask!
Hmm, probably not as if I remember right you can't usually hear it until about 10 weeks and for a lot of people its later than that.
I had my first midwife appointment just last week so its all still fresh in my mind!

We filled in a lot of paperwork and she gave me all sorts of health leaflets, and some free magazines etc. She then checked my blood pressure, and I gave a urine sample.

We went through mine and my familes medical history and that of my husbands and his family (I went alone though and just made sure I found out about any ailments in his family, however trivial).

I also had a lot of blood taken..........., she felt how large my uterus was and we listened to babys heartbeat - but then I was 16 weeks at my appointment, so you may not have any of this!!

Its all fairly straightforward really....

Good luck...
How do they feel your uterus do they have to do an internal?
No just on the outside through your skin............

Im not sure how much of your uterus she can feel at 8 weeks though, and I dont think they generally listen to the heartbeat until your 2nd midwife appointment, most of the appointment will be filling in paperwork and rather boring stuff :wink:

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