First midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I had my first appointment today with the midwife. It was a bit crap really. She had a young girl with her who was training and she asked me the questions in the pack but she couldn't read some of them and didn't know what they meant or the implications.

They didn't tell me what to eat/not and never even mentioned folic acid to me!

She never told me if I was high/low risk either.

I asked about an early scan because I'm paranoid and she was NOT keen on that idea. I know I won't get one on the nhs but I was going to pay and have one done anyway. She said it might reassure you for a few hours but things can still go wrong the next day :shock:

She said just wait 3 weeks for your normal scan. I'm not sure I can do that!

All in all,a bit disappointing :(
oh no, thats a bit rubbish :(

My midwife didnt give much info either i have to say and never said anything about high/low risk.

Just took my history, bloods and urine sample.

Are you still going to go private hun? xxx
I'm thinking about it nurse, I was fully intending to go on Saturday for a scan but now I don't know what to do! I know she has a point but I'm bricking it and really would like *something* to grasp on to to give me even just a tiny bit of reassurance.
I would do what you think is best, i have had 3 scans and all have been reassuring but would agree with the midwife that the fear does creep back in a few days after the scan, my last one was monday and already starting to feel nervous again.

i dont see any harm in going :hugs:
Sorry to hear that! I had my first one today as well, and my midwife was so kind and answered any questions etc. She told me about foods, health, she asked me questions about all my family etc. Really put my mind at rest, and I also said about going private. She said if I was really worried and it wasn't going to cost over the odds then I should go for it! xxx

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