First Haircut - How old?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Especially interested in when you got your little girls hair cut first.

Everyone seems to be in a hurry for me to cut Arianna's hair NOW and I want to leave it another month or two as it is not just getting some shape to it around her face.

Don't you love it when people interfear!!
Hope had hers done bout 3 months ago for the first time, hers was getting so long in her fringe and back it looked a bit messy i have done it myself since :)
Arianna's hair is really long, half way down her back, but with her curls it springs up to shoulder lenght.
Aimee has never had her hair cut yet and I have no plans too either. When it was shorter I used to put the top part of her hair in a bobble and clip the fringe up but now it all just about goes in a bobble. I had Jessica's fringe cut 1st when she was about 1 but I never really liked it and took her ages to grow it out when she was older. I think I'll probably leave Aimee's for another year before I take her for her 1st trim. Saying that though she has really fine blonde hair and not not much of it.
Lydia first had a fringe trim when she was 13 months old because it was going in her eyes.

After that I had it trimmed regularly until just after she turned 2, when we decided to grow it out instead. It's getting there - not quite long enough yet to go in a pony tail but we clip it back usually (or put her hair in bunches).

As far as her actual hair (not fringe), my mam took her to the hairdresser when she was about 18 months and had it cut. I was SOOOOO pissed off - she hadn't asked my permission or anything. We couldn't tie it back for a while after she did that, I was furious.

Then she had it trimmed 2 months ago just before Alex's Christening, because it needed a tidy up.
hannah has had her fringe cut a few times but only had all her hair cut (the ends) last week

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