First doctors appointment


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2015
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So just had my first doctors appointment and was in their all of 5mins, was this same for anyone else ??

Its My first baby and really nervous had loads of questions and feel like he didn't care and just wanted to pass me on to medwife... Which would not be so bad if it wasn't nearly a month away :(

sorry for rant just feel a bit losesed.
I didn't have a docs appt at all. Called the doctors surgery and they referred me straight to midwife. This is normally around the 8 week mark, but mine happened to be a little earlier. Make a note of any questions you have between now and then and take them with you to your midwife appt. You'll probably find that a lot of your questions are answered before you have chance to ask them (they take quite a while going through everything) but at least if you have them there in front of you, you won't forget anything. Is there anything specific you have a question about? Something that's worrying you? You could always ask it on here if something's worrying you xxx
Yeah I was the same no docs appt straight to midwife, I had to phone and they gave me
My booking in appt at 8 weeks and my 12 weeks scan appt.

It's crazy! No opp to ask questions no nothing! This forum and google was a life saver! :-) xxx
Same here, never saw a doctor, rang surgery said i was pregnant they gave me office number for midwife which i rang and got booked in for 8 wks. Had letter about a week later with my 12 week scan date.
I dont think its really a doctors remit to be honest x
Tri-hopping here - most GP practices will refer straight to the mw as there is nothing a GP can really do for you. They don't tend to do blood tests confirming pg any more as home tests are so accurate they are usually right. As mylullaby said, write down any queries you have so you can go through it all wih your mw and we're always here to help too :)

Thanks everyone, its my first babe and I'm just so nervous about everything and was just expecting more but looks like its normal for doc to just leave u to medwife lol.. My appointment not tell 21st July which would make me 9 weeks by doctors calculations, do u think I should leave it or try get in a week earlier so I'll be 8 week like I should be ??? I have a million of questions mylullabie lol main one I'm conserd about is I'm getting pains down below and i ask doc and he just said as long as I don't start bleeding I'm fine but that don't really stop me working : /
My midwife appointment didn't happen until I was 13weeks & 2 days!! I actually had my scan before my midwife appointment lol xx
Personally i would leave ur appt at 9 weeks, generally booking in appts are between 8-10 weeks so ur not late or anything. All sorts of pains are normal i wouldnt worry unless u start bleeding accompanied by strong period type cramps.
Period type cramps are normal tho so only be concerned if u experience any bleeding x
I would leave your appointment as it is, there'll still be enough time to get your scan referral sent and your date posted out to you. Re cramping, it's totally normal - even though bubs is still teeny your womb is starting to stretch in preparation for baby growing very quickly in tri 2. If you have any bleeding between now and your appt, ring your local hospital and ask to speak to their maternity assessment unit and explain you haven't seen your mw yet but you're bleeding, what do you do, etc. I'm crossing everything that this isn't the case for you though and you have a smooth, happy pregnancy :)

Yeah a week or two either way is perfectly fine. Leave your appointment as it is. Really try not to worry (easier said than done I know). Worrying won't help. You need to relax as much as you can. Cramps and weird pains can be alarming but like everyone else has said, you only need to contact them if you have any bleeding - or if the pain is excruciating (ie so bad you're doubled over or it stops you functioning as normal) Your booking in appt will probably be quite lengthy and there'll be plenty of time for questions - although you might find that between now and then some of the things you're feeling have completely changed. xxx
Thanks everyone diff feel better will leave appointment as it is and just try to relax its just all so new lol... we been talking about it for two years and ttc for 4 months so now its happened just feels strange.... just don't want anything to happened.
Hi I'm really frustrated about this. I'm over 8weeks and I can't seem to be able to speak to anyone useful to tell me what to do! I live in Sheffield, and found out that the local maternity unit was Hallamshire hospital. I phoned them to get something booked in, and this useless lady didn't seem to have a clue what the procedure was. She eventually said to ring my doctor. When I rang the doc, the receptionist just booked me in for a regular doc appt - with a TWO WEEK wait. Aargh! Very frustrating seeing as I get the impression that I will wait two weeks then all the doc will do is refer me to a midwife, which might take even more time. Can't I just cut out the middle man? Does anyone know a number I can phone? I'm particularly anxious because I have had no symptoms whatsoever, so I'm having a hard time believing I'm really pregnant... also, it's my Birthday soon, and I really want to have the 12wk scan done in time so that I can actually tell everyone. Sorry for the rant but I'm just feeling quite frustrated!
Call back the doctors surgery and ask to be referred straight to the midwife for a booking in appointment. Doctor won't confirm your pregnancy with a blood test if you've tested positive with a decent home pregnancy test (I take it you've confirmed on a digi?) so chances are that initial appointment will be a bit pointless... unless it's their policy and the only way you can get mw appt is via gp referral? Just call them again and double check is docs appt really necessary? If needed you can say you're worried that a delay in seeing mw will result in a delay in your 12-week scan and therefore missing out on tests they can't do after 14 weeks. xx
Call back the doctors surgery and ask to be referred straight to the midwife for a booking in appointment. Doctor won't confirm your pregnancy with a blood test if you've tested positive with a decent home pregnancy test (I take it you've confirmed on a digi?) so chances are that initial appointment will be a bit pointless... unless it's their policy and the only way you can get mw appt is via gp referral? Just call them again and double check is docs appt really necessary? If needed you can say you're worried that a delay in seeing mw will result in a delay in your 12-week scan and therefore missing out on tests they can't do after 14 weeks. xx

Thanks mylullaby - yes I did 4 tests, inc one digital one (I didn't believe I was pregnant because I had only just come off the pill having been on it for 15+ years!) which said 3+ weeks.

I will try ringing the doctors again when they re-open after lunch.

After typing my little rant, I called the Hallamshire again and was put through to the 'early pregnancy ward' who confirmed I could definitely not book directly with them and needed to see the midwife at my GP surgery first, if they have one.
The first bit is like being thrown in at the deep end, you find out your pregnant and then have a long anxious wait until you get to see the midwife, she really is the best person to answer all your questions so understandable that doctors just refer you straight away, mine done the same, just registered it on my notes and referred me.
Where I live I have my booking in app tomorrow, I'm 7 weeks + 2 today, bloods are done at my GP at a later dare and my 12 week scan has been booked but that's only because I had some heavy bleeding so had to have a scan at EPC on Monday so they did I may as well book it whilst I was there.
Every area is different, if you are worried about the pain try and get in touch with your midwife.
Hope time passes quickly for you.x
Hope you get this all sorted lv no how annoying it is when it's your first and your not sure what to do x

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