First AF after birth


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Sorry about this but I just want to check if it is normal....

I got my first AF on Wednesday after having Arianna... and well :oops: it's totally different to what I got before. I have got REALLY sore tummy ache - worse than the contractions - seriously!!! And it's really heavy - it's kinda like the bleeding i had the first day after Arianna arrived.

Is this normal? As if it is - why does nobody tell you it hurts like hell!! :evil:

S. xx
I think it is quite normal, my first one after having LO was really really heavy and lasted 7 or 8 days. I cried as my AFs were always light and for three days max before I had LO!! Thankfully they do seem to have settled down and are better now.
Oh thank you so much... you have cheered me up now!! :D

My AF used to only last 2days and I've never had period pain in my life!! Hence why I feel so poopy!

THANK YOU!! Hopefully it'll only be this once!!

S. xx

My first AF was the opposite - no pain, not very heavy - much better than before I got pregnant!! Like yourself, most women I know had a really bad first AF (one friend had to stay in bed for a couple of days with the pain).

The only thing I can think of is perhaps the reason I did not have a very heavy first period is because after I had the baby, I bled for 7 weeks heavily and also had quite a bit of pain so I think I might have emptied my womb out!!!!

Your situation sounds completely normal - but I always think that if you are not sure (even though everybody else is saying it is normal) ask a professional to put your mind at ease!!!!

A first bad period is bad news especially due to the fact you have not long experienced the worse pain known to the human being!!!

Good Luck, Julia xxxx
I've had 3 periods now & they have been painful & alot heavier than they were. The last one wasn't as painful so I htink its sorting itself out. I reckon it hurts more because everything inside is bruised & battered & it takes an age to heal up properly.

Hope you are feeling better hun. :hug:

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