Finally has a thriving healthy happy little girl!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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After all the problems I have had with H, I can now say she is 100% better!
Everything that seemed to have bothered her is now a distant memory! Her weight is finally steady on the 25th centile line and she now weighs 14lbs 1oz at 23 weeks (5months old) She shot up from 13lb 5oz to 14lbs 1oz in 2 weeks! That probably doesn't sound like a lot to some of you ladies but for us that is a massive achievement lol!

She has a very set routine now which she has basically set herself! She sleeps 12hours straight in the night and has 4 bottles a day with food at lunch and tea time. She sleeps every 90 minutes for 30 minutes throughout the day. It's amazing how predictable she now is and the significant differences is surreal to how she used to be!

For all the ladies who have upset babies , it really does get better!

And now I can relax! Phew!

Brilliant lou, so pleased for you both. x
Really pleased to read this, fabulous!
Brilliant news hun so happy for you and litte H

you had such a rough time of it up to now xxx
:hug: that's brilliant chick. Just remember that she couldn't have done it without you! xxxxxxxxx
That's brilliant Lou xxxx

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:yay: that's brilliant! When Phoebe had really bad colic everyone told me she'd grow out of it and that I'd eventually have a happy baby. I never believed them. But now she's fab, always smiling and giggling.

So it's definitely true, things do get easier with time!
Well done Harlow :yay:
awww hun thays fab....uve done so well...massive hug for stayin super strong thru the tough times x

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