Feels less pregnant...


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2011
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Hi ladies,
This is my first post in second tri, so thought I'd say hi!

Morning sickness stopped about a week ago, and since then I feel more normal and less pregnant...it's hard to explain but I feel the same as when I wasn't pregnant, it's like the morning sickness was making me feel pregnant (even though it was horrible!)

Has anyone else experienced this??

Hey :). I was the same, I started to worry because I lost all my symptoms but it's just a sign that your hormones are chilling out :). It's a really good sign if you think about it, it means your body is doing what it should be! Enjoy it while it lasts :D.

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:blue:Member Of Team Blue:blue:
I have stopped actually being sick now so its not a bad thing it does adventually stop. Some ladies dont have ( Any) sickness - they are consided the lucky ones lol. Just because you have stopped feeling sick dont mean anything is wrong babe. Maybe your in blooming stage now - 14wks ;)

I feel completely normal! Apart from the awful back ache, so I wouldn't worry! x
Thanks ladies, I'm not at all worried, just feels weird!! Suddenly I can eat, have more energy and I'm less moody - which is grea for OH!

I'm so used to feeeling ill that it's odd to feel ok....it'd be great if this is me blooming though!!!!

I think maybe I was associating morning sickness with pregnancy, and that's the difference that I'm noticing now.
I only occasionally get a gag or a wretch now, very rarely actually feel sick anymore. Usually just start heaving if I let myself get too hungry, and I think that's actually a learned behaviour from having ms for so long, rather than actually because of hormones if that makes sense?

I feel totally normal apart from the SPD, so when bubs doesn't move for a while I do start thinking I feel too normal!! This is usually when I get the doppler out ;) xx
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im only 8 weeks and my syptoms have subsided! im really worried!
I only occasionally get a gag or a wretch now, very rarely actually feel sick anymore. Usually just start heaving if I let myself get too hungry, and I think that's actually a learned behaviour from having ms for so long, rather than actually because of hormones if that makes sense?

I feel totally normal apart from the SPD, so when bubs doesn't move for a while I do start thinking I feel too normal!! This is usually when I get the doppler out ;) xx

Hi Leesey -
That's exactly how I am! Occasional retching and gagging but apart from that I'm almost normal! I've waited 8 weeks for the ms to bugger off and now it has I think it's taking a while to get used to!

I am still waiting to feel the LO kick, hopefully in a few weeks though! Must be such a wonderful feeling - jealous!!

I only occasionally get a gag or a wretch now, very rarely actually feel sick anymore. Usually just start heaving if I let myself get too hungry, and I think that's actually a learned behaviour from having ms for so long, rather than actually because of hormones if that makes sense?

I feel totally normal apart from the SPD, so when bubs doesn't move for a while I do start thinking I feel too normal!! This is usually when I get the doppler out ;) xx

Hi Leesey -
That's exactly how I am! Occasional retching and gagging but apart from that I'm almost normal! I've waited 8 weeks for the ms to bugger off and now it has I think it's taking a while to get used to!

I am still waiting to feel the LO kick, hopefully in a few weeks though! Must be such a wonderful feeling - jealous!!


It tends to start off as flutters and pops and tickles, only just started feeling kicks very recently, and only from the inside, not the outside yet. It's getting very exciting though, and it's great having the reassurance every now and then!! xx
Leesey when did you first feel the fluttering and pops?! I am so dying to feel something - it'll be super exciting!
Leesey when did you first feel the fluttering and pops?! I am so dying to feel something - it'll be super exciting!

According to a post on January 13th (my 11th week I think?) I wrote this:

"Between 9 and 11 weeks I had 'flutters' which I heard were the ripple effect of baby moving, but with it being so small you couldn't feel bubs itself. This week I've started to feel taps from the inside, not like a poke or a pain or anything, just like a gentle tap on my insides. I felt it a few times on Wednesday, and when I used the doppler the heartbeat was in the exact same place.

I'm not saying I can feel the baby kicking or anything, it's still only 2 inches big! I just think it's jumping about in there and bumping off stuff or something!!"


And a few people said they'd had similar xx
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I feel completely normal! Apart from the awful back ache, so I wouldn't worry! x

Yep, I don't even feel remotely pregnant now! Enjoying it whilst it lasts as I know LO is OK thanks to my dopplar :) Only my growing bump is a sign that anything is happening in there!
I'm going through that stage too. The symptoms I was relying on to tell me that I'm still very much pregnant have gone and I'm left with not that much now. The sickness stopped last week and my bump has yet to appear. I've not felt any movement yet either. However, I'm absolutely exhausted all day and can't get to sleep on the night so I know there's still something going on in there!
I just want the bump to grow, the baby to kick and am very much looking forward to my scan at the end of the month. Hurry up! I'm getting impatient now!

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