Sorry to moan but just feeling so down and upset today. Feel ilk I can just burst out crying at any minute! Work has been really shitty today put me in a place of work with heavy lifting and boss was saying "tell u what I'll come in and help u lift" infront of everyone I kept saying o I've just hurt my back but can see everyone's guessed I'm only 6 weeks for gods sake that's WAY too early to start telling people!
Just feeling down that I'm putting on weight after losing 4 and a half stone it's a big thing can't Wait to look pregnant and not jus like I'm pilling on the pounds feel like everyone's talking about me in work arrrrg sorry ladies stressed day I think
Just feeling down that I'm putting on weight after losing 4 and a half stone it's a big thing can't Wait to look pregnant and not jus like I'm pilling on the pounds feel like everyone's talking about me in work arrrrg sorry ladies stressed day I think