Feeling teary


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
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Sorry to moan but just feeling so down and upset today. Feel ilk I can just burst out crying at any minute! Work has been really shitty today put me in a place of work with heavy lifting and boss was saying "tell u what I'll come in and help u lift" infront of everyone I kept saying o I've just hurt my back but can see everyone's guessed I'm only 6 weeks for gods sake that's WAY too early to start telling people!
Just feeling down that I'm putting on weight after losing 4 and a half stone it's a big thing can't Wait to look pregnant and not jus like I'm pilling on the pounds feel like everyone's talking about me in work arrrrg sorry ladies stressed day I think :(
Sorry you're feeling down :( Does your boss know you're pregnant and just being plain nasty? If not maybe its best to talk to him/her and ask to keep it a secret for a while. I'm sure that its mostly feeing bloated at the moment rather than real weight and it won't be helped by all those hormones running around your body. Hope you feel better soon x
Thanks Hun. Yeah they know!!! Xray was going on next door so they said go do something else even though there were other options. They knew I was pissed off if it happens again will say stop making it fucking obvious!!!! Know it's hard as I'm a nurse but still don't want anyone knowing yet feel bit over protective
:hug: sorry they are making you feel bad hun. Hope it's just a rubbish day and hormones and tomorrow is better x
Sorry your work are being shitbags :( xx
Thanks guys just think I'm just upset over nothing really. Or maybe lots of little things making a big thing :( just feeling so apprehensive and panicky over nothing if that makes any sence just want that 12 weeks to come :(
Makes perfect sense, it's one of the most worrying times ever!!
I know just can't shake the feeling that u basically pee on a stick and it's positive and that's it nothing else saw doctor just took blood pressure and chatted about my tablets im already on. And got to wait until 12 weeks for a scan? 6 weeks of worry in my opinion just want o know something's there!

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