Feeling sorry for myself...


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I have the worst headache today! I one Friday too...

I had to come home from work this morning because I felt so bad. I tucked myself under my duvet and slept for a couple of hours. :sleep:
It has eased a bit but is still there and I feel really sick not sure if thats the headache or maybe morning sickness?

Just feeling sorry for myself. I think my boss is probably cross too...
:hug: Hope you feel better soon. Being pg can just make you feel gross! I have felt sick on and off for the last 3 days! Dont worry about your boss - do they know you are pg? x
I told him last week - he is the only person that knows at work.

I have managed cope with the queasyness for weeks and havent had any time off.

The last time I was off sick from work was when I M/C in Feb and I only had 2 days off then.
I just dont want him to think I am milking it!

I just felt terrible this morning!
Oh popett im sorry to hear you feel like a dogs dinner...

Im sure you boss wil understand, just go in early or leave a bit later for a few days to catch up you'll be ok...

My skin feels horrible so i too am feeling sorry for myself
Sorry you are feeling rough hun, hope it eases off soon :hug:
Just try and take it easy xx
:hug: :hug: :hug:

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